Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: cornestone digital on January 10, 2008, 04:37:13 pm
I'm working on a short animated film (I don't have a name yet) About a love struck penguin. This is my first test render
Penguin looks great, very charismmatic. Only crit involves the snow material being a bit grey looking rather than stark, shiny white. Might be a lighting issue but I suggest fiddling with the ambient/diffuse settings on this material (also on the penguin's white bits.)
I love penguin shorts, can't wait to see what you do with it.
Thanks Enoniq5. I turned the ambient up to .5 and it's a lot brighter. I haven't seen snow in 6 years being in south florida so I wouldn't realy know lol. And thaks Nate, I hope you'll injoy it!
Another thing I highly recommend for the snow material would be to unpress the '=' sign by 'diffuse' and 'ambient', then press the ambient color, and change it to a very light blue.
Your penguin looks nice as well. It would be nice with a UV mapped material, but still nice.
here is one of my fave penguin renders, maybe give you some ideas on the snow color/texture. (
Can you repost that please? The link didn't work. thanks. :)
Ok, I've been gone a while. I realy haven't done much CG work, but I was going through files on my computer and found the old short I was working on a few months back that i never finished. Well, I'm reving it! 8) 8). I've done a little work to the plot and the 3d models. here is the first one... the dork.
He's had his eye on this girl...
But she likes this cool guy...
But he turns out to be a cowered when this guy shows up...
He's big and scary! Will the dork ever prove his true love?
Find out on the untilled penguin theamed short!!!!!!!
That's a nice start again, and I like the ideas. The one thing I'd recommend is that you differentiate the models more than just changing the color and giving one glasses. That means body shape! Girls tend to have a bit more of an hourglass shape. I'm not saying go completely to this extreme, but perhaps give her more of a presence of a chest. Perhaps also a slightly skinnier waist. As for the "cool" guy, what's he like? I like the eye expressions, but perhaps his body should be a bit different too. Perhaps more strength? It looks like a decent start though. Another thing I'd recommend is that you attach the wings as an actual part of the model, right now it's very obvious you just slapped those one.
welcome back, cornestone!
i agree with hiho about needing a bit more differentiation between the models, especially between Dork and Cool. (Orca, obviously, is already differentiated quite enough! ;D ) i'd suggest maybe making Dork a less stylish colour, maybe a grubby greenish-brown or something, or perhaps just grey, since blue is generally seen as one of the cooler colours out there (i think).
also, maybe you could give Cool an iPod and/or skateboard or something? It's true that you probably shouldn't use costume props as the only way of differentiating characters, but they are still a valid way to help establish their social standing and things. in this pic, from a stopmo short i did in 2006, i differentiated the character of Arthur partly by the body design (he's half bald), partly by what he's wearing (old trousers and jumper), and partly by his props (wire-framed glasses, and a walking stick).
... but perhaps give her more of a presence of a chest. ...
on this, i disagree. penguins are birds (despite appearences, heheh 8) ), and let's just say, there's no such thing as bird milk. there's Birds Custard (, but that's another thing altogether... :D anyway, my point is, a 'chest' is a specifically mammalian feature, and there's no avian equivalent. cartoon animals, especially non-mammals, with unrealistically anthropomorphised (or rather gynomorphised?) chests really annoy me.
anyway... that's my two cent's worth :)
- colclough
platipus's have milk they are kinda like penguins ;-]
I don't mean to say some kind of full chest. Just a very slight idea of that form, meaning a bit more of an hourglass shape than the male.
A good example is Gloria from happy feet:
Notice how she has a very subtle chest. I'm not saying anything close to breasts, just the idea of the female body form.
... I'm not saying anything close to breasts, just the idea of the female body form.
that's more or less what i thought you meant in the first place. ...but my point was, what defines 'female body form' in a human, and what defines it in a penguin, are two completely separate and unrelated things. penguins aren't hourglass-shaped. :P
of course, the shape of cornestone's penguins is ultimately cornestone's decision, so having said what i wanted to say, i'll shut my mouth before i end up putting my foot in it... ;D ...and before i drag this discussion too far off topic! ::)
- colclough
penguins aren't hourglass-shaped.
and neither is Gloria. Only the illusion is there by bringing the black feather texture on either side closer together at waist level.
Anyway, cornestone I think your project has great potential, keep at it.
Haha sorry for the confusion. I don't mean that he should make the penguin hourglass-shaped. I only mean that perhaps he could make it VERY slightly more towards that direction, giving the penguin more of a feminine shape. I'm not saying give it an hourglass shape, the change in the body would be very subtle but could make a difference. I'll stop this discussion as well, since I hope we all understand my point now whether we agree or not ;)
Let's not forget that we'e talkin'animation here, people. Cartoons, for instance, traditionally assign human-like features to animal characters, which gives all of us humans something to relate to, gender-wise. So, while it may be difficult to differentiate between male and female penguins solely on the basis of body shape, as animators we have a great deal of lee-way available to us. And, it REALLY IS up to the artist to determine what sort of statement he or she is trying to make.