Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: almost cool on July 26, 2008, 07:13:55 pm

Title: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on July 26, 2008, 07:13:55 pm
Ok straight to the point  :) ill use cre8or 2 make the game and i can't pay only like eleven :-\. It will make a good portfolio for those of us taking it beyond hobby and it will be fun.I wont deny newbs (what better way 2 learn) or experts (its about time there was a project that you guys could enter.) so lets go.first off lets all toss our ideas into the mixin pot and make a storyline!!! ;D so if anyone had an idea sittin in the back of their head.Only restiction is it has to be a good clean not too gorey and not at all nasty and also must be original. :)
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: devilGames on July 26, 2008, 10:21:56 pm
So i'd like to point out if you want to make a good game, cre8or is not the way to go. If you wanna sell go for something better like 3dgamestudio. If you just wanna make the game just to say I can make games, sure, use cre8or. BTW, i can't help out cause i've got to many projects going on
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on July 26, 2008, 10:36:54 pm
Well have you used cre8or? i prefer cre8or because of its farmiliar i didnt just go through the tuts 4 no reason. :) not to mention my site is ad funded.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Tanzim on July 27, 2008, 12:17:46 am
Well, the game engine is up to you guys, just make sure it's a good one.
As for me, I'll be doing the CG stuff with anyone else that joins, I'm not really into programming, maybe when I'm older and have more time (I know that's a contradiction).

What I'm thinking is massive environments, that are very different from one another (forests, oceans, arctic, something with volcanoes etc).
I don't have any story idea's yet, when I get one, I'll let you guys know, and if this project gets anywhere then almost cool will have to set up a website and forum, and he might have to let CG-Nation know, they have a lot of pro's over there.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on July 27, 2008, 12:36:03 am
yeah i was thinking a massive freedom rpg mideival game with the ability to go anywhere and become from a theif or a knight or anything in between,with a main point,yet billions of side quests.and the game doesnt end when u beat it,it just continues so you can play around and explore and finish the side quests.kind of like oblivion.but thats just my idea and this is not my game,its ours.

And tanzim, i already got a website goin!im in the prosses of making it,and building a collection of anim8or-cre8or games and workin on the site. no it wont be a cheap hard coding it.and for a forum...i know a guy.

And about CG-nation, i dont want pro`s.its just an anim8or project!
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Tanzim on July 27, 2008, 03:32:30 am
Nice to know.
Project or not, it might go big, and there's no 'just' in Anim8or.
Quote from: almost cool wrote awhile a go, forget when
It will make a good portfolio for those of us taking it beyond hobby and it will be fun.
I'd like to get the most out of this!
Although if you want to keep this small than that's cool as well, though not as cool... :-\
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: mcheccyb on July 27, 2008, 04:30:50 am
cre8or is no longer being maintained

and there ae fa too many things it still needs.

it doesn't have the power to make a full game.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: RnDr FOX on July 27, 2008, 10:17:42 am
why don't you wait till Polly comes out (

It looks promising.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on July 27, 2008, 03:52:38 pm
Well besides that, till polly comes out we need a storyline, models,landscapes,and figures.So step 1 is to get a storyline.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: im not a people person73 on July 27, 2008, 10:06:51 pm
i'll join.models and figures is what i'll anyone familiar with maplestory?it'd be great to make a simple modeling standard so it's easy to go low poly.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on July 27, 2008, 10:17:43 pm
maplestory ??? is that a game?

So does anyone have any storyline ideas.We need a storyline to get started.

and im not a people person73, thanks 4 joining :).
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: im not a people person73 on July 27, 2008, 10:19:54 pm
yep,check out and find it to see how the 2d characters look.and my idea is in the can repost it here if it sounds alright
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: bamman62 on July 29, 2008, 09:13:15 pm
I don't think maplestory would be the way to go. I would much prefer it to be similar to TES. Maybe even online play...
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Tanzim on July 29, 2008, 10:03:03 pm
What's TES?
I don't think we will be able to go as far as online play, maybe just install and play.
Do we have a official team, opr anything like that?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on July 29, 2008, 10:14:53 pm
what u mean team tanzim?

well I dont really think online will be a good idea for bandwidth, language and such.i dont think were aproaching this right.lets not use something similar to other games and make an original, creative, complex game.lets start with this.a game without limits, where you can do virtually anything, where you can do things impossible in reality.but yet the game has a main lets find an era.

who likes a dark mideival with demons and dragons and beasts. pm 1 to me.explain why

who likes another world where there is no real similaritys to past present or future. pm 2 to me.explain why

who likes future with lazers or energy beams (persolnally i think  this is used up). pm 3 to me.explain why

who likes a modern day era with guns & such (also exhausted but thats just my opinion). pm 4 to me.explain why

when everyone has voted we shall begin.

mine is 2,because i think we could get most creative with it.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Setanta on July 30, 2008, 04:03:50 am
sounds interesting. i can help with low poly models/environments.
i could chip into the storyline too... though i prefer steampunk
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on July 30, 2008, 02:59:32 pm
No prob all are welcome.Will you vote?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Setanta on July 31, 2008, 01:51:59 am
i vote 2. i'm all for originality :)
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: bamman62 on August 02, 2008, 02:14:32 pm
Both 1 and 2. I would prefer a game with mideival combat, and also hold tons of creativity.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Mactetra on August 02, 2008, 02:37:35 pm
I can probably do some modeling for the project, both characters and landscape etc.

i vote for nr2. :D
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 02, 2008, 05:10:24 pm
Thanks! so far we have three 2s.who else do we have,

tanzim,im not a people73,and bamman.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: drayeon on August 02, 2008, 11:06:27 pm
I'd like to join. I just started using animator so I propably wont be able to do much usefull yet. However, since were just throwing out ideas for now, I have a little bit of time to get my modelling skills up I guess :)
I like number 3 the best (even though no one else likes the idea (also where is it overused and don't say halo cause halo seems much more modern times than futuristic, to me at least)). Number 2 definetly has an appeal to it though, so i'd go for that too. As for the medieval idea this is the one I think is overused in games but its also the games I like playing most so it would be my third choice.
I'll be glad to help out anyway I can.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 04, 2008, 11:36:58 pm
Now,im not a people person73 voted 2

so 4 "2"s

a "3" and

"3" pending.

if theres another "2" then the 2 pending cant change anything and we will  start!
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Aarangend on August 05, 2008, 01:17:23 am
I dont want to join the team or anything but its just an idea that I was thinking would be a good idea for someone to make:

What if you had a big world... and in different sections of the word were different themes or something (For instants: One contry only used lazer guns and what not.... and another contry only used swords and whatnot)

I think it would be a good idea for a group that like different idea's and want their idea to be used... And it would be a long game that you could make alot of plot lines/miny plot lines and miny quests and stuff like that

Once again... just a suggestion
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 06, 2008, 01:32:22 am
thats a good idea.but we have got a vote goin,mebbe another time. :-\
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Simon on August 07, 2008, 06:46:53 am
I'd be happy to join. I'm not that good on the modeling side but I am pretty good with programming and I could write music if needed. Me and my band would perform it.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 07, 2008, 04:11:26 pm
Whoa that will be an enourmous help,what kind of band?

Either way what do you vote?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Simon on August 08, 2008, 12:34:47 am
I vote 2.
For many reasons really, easier to get things the way you want that isn't really the correct method. And you get to make cool names like... Myrihtnan.

Oh, my band plays what I tell them to. I compose all sorts of styles.
I am really open to any type of music.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 08, 2008, 02:02:47 am
good! now theres more twos than pending.and we can start.lets do this in reverse.instead of moddeling according to the storyline,lets do a storyline depending on what models we come up w/.lets just start modeling cool other-worldly creatures and worlds.and grab an idea from it.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Setanta on August 08, 2008, 10:50:02 pm
i'm speaking from my own experience here, and I think that we should take a look at the big picture first before filling in the little details.

so we're obviously not in the milky way galaxy anymore, what galaxy are we in? how many worlds/planets will we have... of course, we need races for our players... then we can go on to determine smaller details like the other inhabitants of the planet(s) and such...

correct me if i'm wrong, but i don't think we'll make it to the online stage anytime soon, so let's make this a single-player type... first or third person, i don't mind either.
I think we should have the protagonist be an actual human, let's say that Earth is having some issues (cause we all know that it's not ...*cough*...) and they sent a team out to space to find a new home for the human race. So they come across a nearby galaxy and something unexpected happens, the crew goes missing, and there's one guy left and that's the main character. Apart from him everything else should be quite irrelevant to the planet Earth.

Anyways, just my opinion there... something that I'd like to work on. Let me know how you feel about it!
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Tanzim on August 09, 2008, 12:17:41 am
If Earth gets messed then why would we go to another Galaxy, do you know how huge they are?
It would be easier just to go another planet within the Galaxy (e.g. Mars).

And I don't like the idea of the protagonist being human, it's too cliche, we beat the bad guy, the good guy always wins, the thing is, it's always biased towards our side: I'm trying to kill you because you did something bad to me and therefore I'm the good guy (the so-called bad guy is probably thinking the EXACT same thing).

Spice it up a bit:
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Setanta on August 09, 2008, 12:42:18 am
well, i never mentioned anything about a bad or good side. it's just i feel there should be a little bit of familiarity... of course that's up to the team not just myself.
like almost cool mentioned, it's probably going to be open ended... like fable, where you choose who you are... which is also the reason why i suggested a human protagonist, so you can choose to adapt to any place/race...

the reason for another galaxy is: the original idea of our game... which is that everything will be original... that way we can be creative... if the game were to take place on mars, there would be no lifeforms and it's not really habitable by living things (or is it o_O)
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 09, 2008, 01:34:05 am
Well of course, we know that humans have not been exactly...good hearted in history.maybe the main charachter should be an alien.

or there couldnt be a good or bad side.just survival. and the enemy is the same.where you feel remorse for the enemy because they are in your same situation.  :-\
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Setanta on August 09, 2008, 03:45:14 am
so is the storyline going to be linear, or open-ended?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Tanzim on August 09, 2008, 09:55:33 am
Oh now I understand what you meant, I guess choosing better, and the story's going to be open-ended I believe.
The other Galaxy/Mars thing was because of the stuff you said about humans.

If this is going to be original then we're going to have to think of the 'craziest' things (un)imaginable, something the players will find very different from the stuff 'different' their use to.
Any ideas, I've got nothing good?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 09, 2008, 07:28:15 pm
heres one.a hexapedal spiderish thing ill get to modeling it.i have it pretty detailed in my head.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Setanta on August 09, 2008, 08:34:52 pm
lol. i've been thinking of the exact same thing... guess we'll get to compare our models =)
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: im not a people person73 on August 16, 2008, 10:32:27 pm
AAAGH!i just thought of something original...i think..but yes,som fictional/non fictional thing,like WWII,you play as an alien going underground with disguises and stuff,and killing hitler and them from the inside.hitler didnt commit suicide,he was an alien.too late for any more plots?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Tanzim on August 17, 2008, 12:14:10 am
Yeah, and the alien was hired by the America's CIA, a few German's saw it but the CIA denied it, because they wanted to keep it a secret because the aliens asked them to because thousands of years ago, there was a war between Human's and Aliens.
And the main character (you) find this out as you read Alien history 'books' and older Aliens give you there flashbacks and the CIA give you information once you 'persuade' them.
But then the High Human/Alien Council of the Milky Way decide you know too much and decide to kill you and call it an 'accident' at work, finding this out, you go into hiding.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: im not a people person73 on August 17, 2008, 01:24:31 am,then,i that a yes?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Tanzim on August 17, 2008, 08:07:28 am
I would make for a good game, but then if we wanted historical accuracy (except for the Hitler assassination part), we'd ALL have to have knowledge on the subject. :'(

Extra ideas: the aliens live can for several hundreds of years in a lifetime, that's why the story takes place over 300 years (space travel isn't fast)!
Starting at WW2, and then ending at 22xx, that's where you go into hiding!
WW2 (and all that knowledge you find out about) isn't the only part of the story, you also have to protect your 'people' from invasions from other aliens (different species), and stop other wars between other species.

And: global warming was caused by several Alien spacecraft hovering over Earth, but having a spacecraft invisible creates a lot of heat, the CIA realize this and order you to move the ships away, but the rest of the human population don't know this and keep 'combating' Global Warming, and thus create a 'Nuclear' Winter. :o
The whole Earth freezes over and so the Aliens have to get every living thing from Earth to Mars, as well as most of the water (this is where the Humans find out about the Aliens). :P
Mt. Olympus Mons is no longer the galaxy's highest mountain.

BTW: this whole idea just came to me after im not a people person73 inspired me with his post. ;D
We should have a vote on whether we want this idea or something else.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 17, 2008, 05:26:38 pm
well i think thats cool.but going too far into the future is quite maybe year 2247 and WW8.We dont need to go very far into the future because every invention makes the world invent faster creating a snowball effect 8) . but i do vote for  this. ;).

and instead of mars how bout something in another solar B328.sounds nice.

meybe the rival alien tribes are planting mutants and beasts on that planet.and sending bombs paked with mutagens.

and at the begginning of the game.You pick your player from this.

aliensaliens other tribe

and then you choose from that your person.say 3 different humans.1st human unlocks the second.beat them and you unlock aliens.etc.

each one is like its own game.and their all interconnected.

I would make for a good game, but then if we wanted historical accuracy (except for the Hitler assassination part), we'd ALL have to have knowledge on the subject. :'(
and i agree w/ parents wouldnt like me researching the holocaust. :) good idea tho ;)
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 18, 2008, 12:37:33 am
hah! while modeling the spider thing i got an idea.and i wont do the spider.well use sentanas.its untextured.i just cant do it.but it is bumpmapped.and its not really called blorg.just first thing that came to my head.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 18, 2008, 02:55:21 pm
Hi! I'm relatively new to anim8or but would love to join in the effort :). I can model wepons. I also like the WWII idea
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 18, 2008, 03:22:04 pm
If we go with tanzims we can make an awesome arsenal of organic weapons. ;D ;)
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 18, 2008, 03:53:55 pm
here is a pistol. i'm not so good with textures. but i'm sure some1 else could slap 1 on and it would be good
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 18, 2008, 08:52:21 pm
no offense but that looks like the old nintendo gun thing,i think if ur making a sci-fi "space" game you should have like high tech swords and stuff,enless this game is going to be fps,which would be kinda kool,open ended fps.But if its a rpg or turn based i think swords would be the way to go.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 18, 2008, 08:55:03 pm
well like i said I'm not good with textures. But if you were to put an actual gun texture on there it would probably look ok.

If it's a sword you want the here's one.
Not sure if it's been done before though
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 18, 2008, 09:28:57 pm
blade looks pretty kool i like where your head is,ill post one of my swords i made a while ago,it has kinda like a futuristic tech feel to it.

if you guys need ne help with this project i am pretty handy w/ anim8or
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 18, 2008, 09:33:31 pm
Wow! Awesome sword
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 18, 2008, 09:42:18 pm
thanks,i would try to make some futuristic guns but guns r kinda hard to make,ill try though.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 18, 2008, 10:29:34 pm
to whom ever is working on this project,if you like that sword i posted i could show you guys some more or even make some more,and if u like em i wouldnt mind u putting in the game if u asked.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 18, 2008, 11:35:53 pm
hey iv been working on a sci-fi gun,its not quite done yet ,just warning just posting it here because i dont know if im gonna b able to finish it tomorrow,so just wanna show you all what i been working on

[updated gun moved to pg 5]
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 19, 2008, 12:26:50 am
k heres an updated version,idk if i should put anything else on it,looks kinda bare.anyone have any suggestions?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Tanzim on August 19, 2008, 12:44:43 am
I haven't been able to check the file, but it it sounds cool.

BTW: Can you instead of Quad-posting, just edit your previous post?
It saves Steve's bandwith
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 19, 2008, 01:30:45 pm
well my idea was that humans still use more powerful projectile weaponry,plasmas cliche. the aliens use ancient alien vibrating swords,and such.and the other tribe uses bio-weapons like a gun that laches to your arm that they made through experimenting and putting artificial genes in growth dishes.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 19, 2008, 02:28:40 pm
Dang that sound well thought out
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 19, 2008, 02:30:47 pm
thanks.btw i was trying to uv map the guns and i realized that lithunwrap doesnt do bumpmaps.What does?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Kiji8989 on August 19, 2008, 05:39:04 pm
Well have you used cre8or? i prefer cre8or because of its farmiliar i didnt just go through the tuts 4 no reason. :) not to mention my site is ad funded.

I suggest using Reality Factory if this is your first game, like mine. I understand if your only 11, and cant afford much. I myself have a budget of $0.00, some 3d art, and some coding for trades. I have full faith in you and hope the best of luck. I think you should do number 2. All of the other ideas have been used too much.

Good luck!
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 19, 2008, 05:46:09 pm
Hey i was playing around with a sphere and got this.

Also watch the animation
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 19, 2008, 08:45:14 pm
what if...HA!i got it.thats a sort of alien spear.and the animation is it going compact so it fits back in its case.

i think we need to organize.

the great noob is obviosly good at weapons,so just keep popping those out.

so tanzim whats ur skill.

imnotapeopleperson 73,u said u were good with figures?

sentana what r u good with

and same for macetra,drayeon,Aarangend,and Simon,and wiipowner.

i really hope one of you is good with landscapes. :)

im good with modeling things that dont exist...yet.

also,messing around with the weird thing i got this.any ideas on what it could be.meybe the other tribe plants globs of organic matter that when you get too close to, become all spiky, and this could be the spike.or a compound bow-ish thing of artifcial muscle fiber,firing these.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 19, 2008, 08:49:43 pm
I just realized. Are we doing voice acting, or will it be like a Legend of Zelda kind of thing?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 19, 2008, 09:13:38 pm
well if you have a mic, use it for the voices,get ur friends to do voices too.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 19, 2008, 09:15:08 pm
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 19, 2008, 09:47:49 pm
but i think we should make the scenes with subtitles then add voices l8er.everyone with a mic,and would like to do this,record you,and your friends voice saying "hello" and post it.then when we have charachters,according to what the charachter looks like,we pick who.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 19, 2008, 09:53:28 pm
K here's mine
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 19, 2008, 11:07:12 pm
concering almost cools question on everyone ,i'm pretty ok at making weapons ,ill post a file of a head i did so u can get what i can do with faces and such.Idk bout landscapes never really did anything with them really.but anyways ill get back to finishing that gun,i had a little problem with my computer last 2 days.

oh and btw on the rendering on the head that was my first time doing one,just so everyone knows.i know ther r some mistakes.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 19, 2008, 11:23:09 pm
excellent!wiipower you should do the faces!

good voice greatnoob.
ill save it so we have the lil collection.

now whos good at rigging, animating, and bodys?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 19, 2008, 11:29:05 pm
um..concering the...mics that is...i hav a mic that i use for vent & teamspeak.its the rockband mic,and i dont know if and/or how i could record using rock band mic so if anyone knows that would be excellent=)
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 19, 2008, 11:41:12 pm
u mean the game rockband?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 20, 2008, 12:03:10 am
yup,and i updated the gun i made(final version).almost cool did u try to open up the sword i posted to c if that one worked ,odd that u cant c it.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 20, 2008, 12:18:34 am
well my idea was that humans still use more powerful projectile weaponry,plasmas cliche. the aliens use ancient alien vibrating swords,and such.and the other tribe uses bio-weapons like a gun that laches to your arm that they made through experimenting and putting artificial genes in growth dishes.

i like this idea,it would put a very high replayable aspect in it,and if its possible a 3-way pvp system.I dont know if a pvp system is available in whose ever program they are using to make the game.It would also be kool if the different...races if you will...could only use the weps that their race created,like humans cant use the artificial genes etc.etc.

oh and one more thing anyone hav ne idea what the environments are going to be like???
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 20, 2008, 12:38:21 am
well idk about enviroments,and people not being able to use others seem unrealistic.if u can carry it,u can shoot it.

and the mic...

Start|all programs|acsessories|entertainment|voice recorder.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 20, 2008, 09:55:17 am
k well idk how humans would use the other tribes alien genetic mutation weapons,but o well.can ppl start throwing out some ideas or drawing some pictures of some faces for the game so i can start on them.and when i get home from school ill record my voice.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 20, 2008, 12:29:38 pm
i know what the prob is with the sci fi gun.youll need to export to .ans and then post it.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Mactetra on August 20, 2008, 12:32:21 pm
if this is going to be a game any larger than just one room, i would suggest making WAAAAAY more lowpoly modles, i mean, if those kinds of models are used, even just for small details like swords, it is going to lag like hell on most computers.

keep away from the "convert to subdivided" button!
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 20, 2008, 12:40:24 pm
.........good advice :)


not really lol.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 20, 2008, 03:08:37 pm
if this is going to be a game any larger than just one room, i would suggest making WAAAAAY more lowpoly modles, i mean, if those kinds of models are used, even just for small details like swords, it is going to lag like hell on most computers.

keep away from the "convert to subdivided" button!

you've got a good point. If only there was a "convert to low poly" button
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 20, 2008, 03:14:38 pm
well one thing we could do ishave transmapped planes fot some plants.thats what everyone does.even bethesda and valve.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 20, 2008, 03:45:06 pm
oh my kentucky fried circutry!!(col.Sanders used to be a crappy I.T. professional)

I was just browsing the forum and i saw tanzims fox he made for should make bodys,rig and texture,if you like.

the reason why i want someone doing textures with other things is because imagine just texturing while other people are doin fun models.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Mactetra on August 20, 2008, 04:47:51 pm
we could use a program to turn those models already made into more lowpoly versions with a program like VVizup, I am working on getting the full version now..

here is an example of what i mean.. of course, it doesn't look as good, but the game would run a lot faster, and could have huge worlds.

Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 20, 2008, 04:49:50 pm
Wow! Do you have to pay for this program?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Mactetra on August 20, 2008, 04:57:22 pm
Wow! Do you have to pay for this program?

probably, but it might be worth it,

it reduced it from
34.240 polygons

and that number makes a huge difference when it comes to games.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 20, 2008, 05:38:58 pm
well i dont like the would be easier to just avoid polys.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: TheCodedOne on August 20, 2008, 07:27:57 pm
.........good advice :)


lol that was great.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 20, 2008, 08:28:37 pm
ok so can everyone started throwing out ideas for the different races faces so i can start modeling,i just wont subdivide the faces.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 20, 2008, 08:51:03 pm
well thats up to you.

just give us a cool alien face and we will pass it around to see what we cant do.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 20, 2008, 09:10:09 pm
ok well u want big head big black eyes green skin alien or something more like...alien from alien movie series or.......
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 20, 2008, 09:44:46 pm
well green is too typical.we need something original...

Suprise Me!
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 20, 2008, 10:07:34 pm
*sigh* fine ill just draw something up then make it on my pc*think low poly*.Oh and also i would of put a voice recording of me saying hello ,but my sound card is being gay,and ill probly going to need to get a new one.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 20, 2008, 10:27:31 pm
my sound card is being gay,
that was a tad innapropriate. :(

but i do get ur point

btw im making a 357,with minor futuristic modifications.

so far i have the trigger,and everything in front or the cylinder.

how many polys you ask??

80 polygons. ;D
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 20, 2008, 10:58:13 pm
my point is that my sound card isnt working so i cant record my voice.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 21, 2008, 12:19:34 am
yes its fine its just inapropriate for an all ages forum is all.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Mactetra on August 21, 2008, 02:42:21 am
oh, you are looking for an alien? i think i made a alien head not to long ago... can look for it if it is needed
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on August 21, 2008, 11:02:45 am
This game sounds like a great idea... i've skipped ahead a few pages, so i'll go back and read it all later, could i perhaps join?

Be warned that i may not permanently be back, i'm still standing on thin ice with anim8or, i never seem to be satisfied with my creations...
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 21, 2008, 02:49:39 pm
sure you can join,why wouldnt you ;D.

and macetra,hand that head over to wiipowner so he can mod it.

Well i made a 357 magnum,

and guess what. 233 polys.and i made 3 skins,1 is gold mine,2 is velvet,3 is sting.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 21, 2008, 08:39:14 pm
almost cool,it looks pretty kool except doesnt really have a futuristic kinda feel to it,how far into that future was this game going to be?oh and also i started work on a face.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 21, 2008, 08:53:22 pm
yeah i figured it wasnt too futuristic.but if it were it wouldnt be much of a 357. anyway im sure that the world wont neet to modify old revolvy! ;D
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 21, 2008, 09:13:41 pm
ok kool doesnt really matter to me,i like the sting version of it tho,and also do u know what kind of game this is going to be,like 3rd person shooter,fps,hacknslash,turn based or what???jw ,i thought it would be interesting to find out.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 21, 2008, 09:17:04 pm
My vote is for 3rd person RPG with turn based combat. But that's just me
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on August 21, 2008, 09:21:44 pm
I'd prefer FreeRoam RPG, what engine are we using to create the game? how advanced is it?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 21, 2008, 09:24:49 pm
I think Cre8or I don't think it's advanced enough to make a WoW scale FreeRoam. but maby an FFX type thing
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on August 21, 2008, 09:28:21 pm
Well it handles big maps pretty well in my opinion, but combat is slightly difficult, it takes time, and you probably need to run through the tutorial about 4 times to fully understand how to do it... but that might just be me, i'm not very good with Cre8or scripting :/
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 21, 2008, 10:10:12 pm
does anyone know if ther is a faster,easier way to make good faces then point editing,because thats what i use but it seems to take a while.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: bamman62 on August 21, 2008, 10:21:09 pm
There are 2 other parts to a mesh, all are controlled by points, so no.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 21, 2008, 11:39:24 pm

and also do u know what kind of game this is going to be,like 3rd person shooter,fps,hacknslash,turn based or what???jw ,i thought it would be interesting to find out.

first person rpg.

I think Cre8or I...

No,its polly.

i know it isnt released but it will before were ready to use it!
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 21, 2008, 11:56:39 pm
ok heres an update on the head,im almost done ,ill finish it tomorrow evening because of school,it has like 518poly's so far and im almost done,so its going good.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 22, 2008, 10:44:57 am

No,its polly.

i know it isnt released but it will before were ready to use it!

you realize it's C++ right?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 22, 2008, 11:16:36 am
ok so figured out the background story line,if we didnt already make one.So earth is over populated,and noone else can be born.So earth sends 3 ships into outerspace to another planet/galaxy to colonize a new planet.Then when they are there they have to learn to fight because the aiens are in war and terrorizing the humans.And i guess from ther you could choose you race.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 22, 2008, 11:18:17 am
I like that idea
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on August 22, 2008, 11:33:31 am
Can it not also be programmed in LUA?

Look at one of the screenshots, top left corner.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 22, 2008, 11:38:48 am
Yeah you're right. I wasn't looking hard enough
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: yetipenguin on August 22, 2008, 01:06:18 pm
i know i have nothing to do with this, but havent you already decided on the storyline? ive been following this and there was a story some where that was quite good, and if i was looking for  a game to buy,i would go for it, the plot wiipower came up with is good, but not as original as the first one-something to do with aliens and WWII ;D??

  anyway,looks(and sounds) great so far ;)
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Kiji8989 on August 22, 2008, 01:25:45 pm
Again. Reality Factory. You'll have to go through a bit of learning, but you dont need to learn C++ You just need to learn simkin. (which isnt nessisary) and you'll need your own 3D models.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 22, 2008, 03:13:17 pm
well im good at self teaching scripting.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on August 22, 2008, 03:16:29 pm
I'm pretty good with LUA, but not source code, i know most of the ways it's set up, you can use it in places on a game called Roblox.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: TheCodedOne on August 22, 2008, 03:34:07 pm
Hey guys I dont know if this will be of any use to you. But python is a faily easy language to pick up. As a matter of fact there was an article about a guy who learned it for the first time and made his first game (a 2d rpg) in a week. I'm sure there are plenty of 3d engines that run of of python and as a plus its a scripting language.

That means:
Faster dev time
Less code
And you guys where debating scripting anyways right?

Ok well python does not have to be used for only 2d games it be used for 3d games if you have the right tools.

2d games:
pygame- 2d game toolkit for python

pygl(something like that)- open gl +python 3d games
Panda 3d- python and a 3d game engine can be used for any type of game even MMO RPG's
Irrlicht- a renouned game engine that can be used with python

That was all off the top of my head.

I recomened panda 3d for user frendieness good community and speed of development.

As a plus they're all free.

My only experience with lua is not using it for a full fledged game but for parts of it, such as parsing, property scripting, Artifical Intelligence, pathfinding, ect. I havent seen a full game in lua nor have I actually looked for one. I also dont know what tools are out for lua, but I'm sure its possible make a game in it.

Well this was just advice from a fellow gamemaker (anim8or game thread) take from it what you like. Hope this helps! Message any concerns.

Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 22, 2008, 03:39:47 pm
Panda 3d is a good engine. But you'll need a program that can convert .an8 to .egg
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 22, 2008, 03:46:42 pm
well i am personally too busy to learn a new script lang.Who thinks they can?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: TheCodedOne on August 22, 2008, 03:51:34 pm
Well panda 3d supports .X format so you could export anim8or files to 3ds then use the program conv3ds to make the files .X format.

Or you could export the models to blender(dont scorn me) then use the .egg export script.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 22, 2008, 03:55:41 pm
well i am personally too busy to learn a new script lang.Who thinks they can?

I'll see if i can. I think i've still got panda3d around here some where . . .

Well panda 3d supports .X format so you could export anim8or files to 3ds then use the program conv3ds to make the files .X format.

Or you could export the models to blender(dont scorn me) then use the .egg export script.

I did not know that. I'll try it
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 22, 2008, 03:57:28 pm
Or you could export the models to blender

Blender...BLENDER!!! :o




Im just kidding of course. :D

good idea.and thx great noob,show us what u can do!
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on August 22, 2008, 04:12:52 pm
'Crysis, a first-person shooter & spiritual successor to Far Cry. FarCry itself used Lua extensively'

'PlayStation Home is programmed using Lua. '

"Roblox" An Online Kids MMORPG for kids Ages 7-14'

'Star Wars: Empire at War and Universe at War: Earth Assault '

'The Guild 2 Most of the game is programmed in Lua. '

- I Love Wikipedia

I could give python a go... Always helps for when i get higher up in education... like actually using REAL programming in school, all we use is excel so far.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 22, 2008, 04:25:46 pm
'like actually using REAL programming in school, all we use is excel so far.
tell me about it,im fluent in html,javascript,css,and learning php and in middle school and last year they explained usage of "the notorios close button." in laymans terms.python seems like the best so far.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: TheCodedOne on August 22, 2008, 04:36:58 pm
Almost Cool
lol I bow down to you master of the script. :)

"Notorios close button" thats great.

3d Joe

Like I said I know games can be made in lua just IN MY experience I had never seen it used for a WHOLE game not saying thats what you guys where planning on doing, but whenever I used lua it was on top of something else low level like C/C++ code. I'm sure you guys dont need me to tell you this and I'm confident you'll manage to make something cool. Good luck in your pursuits.

Wikipedia is a good source  :)
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 22, 2008, 04:54:14 pm
Almost Cool
lol I bow down to you master of the script. :)

I hope that was sarcasm. :-[

3d Joe and generally


we need to do this civilized.

pm the one you want to me and first one to get 3 votes wins!
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on August 22, 2008, 05:32:58 pm
I meant no disrespect, i myself had never seen a game made with it, but i'm highly defensive with lua, i agree, on it's own, it'd be hard to make a 3d game.

And votes aren't the way to go, how 'bout we list up pros and cons of each?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 22, 2008, 05:36:19 pm
My Computer isn't wanting to run panda3d so i can't learn it.

I also agree with 3D Joe, we should do a pros and cons list
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 22, 2008, 06:18:16 pm
i think so too lets do it.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 22, 2008, 10:15:21 pm
Panda 3d
lighting/shader system.

used to make disaster response scenarios for firefighter/police training.

seems to support high poly...oh just see for yourself.

terranim8or type greyscale-to heightmap type thing.


well,check this out.

self.environ = loader.loadModel("models/arena2.egg")
course = self.environ.find('**/Plane')
Wall = self.environ.find('**/Wall')

self.Doll = Actor("models/VoodooDoll",

That was only a third of the code to make a charachter walk up and down hills.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: TheCodedOne on August 23, 2008, 03:38:46 am
I consider that con to be a pro. Do you know how much code it would take to replicate that in
c++ and opengl? (Just a statement I mean no offence)
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 23, 2008, 12:07:31 pm
i've tried to use panda 3d because some of the games used with it look really kool,but when i downloaded it ,all ther was wer a bunch of demos of games.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 23, 2008, 12:16:00 pm
i've tried to use panda 3d because some of the games used with it look really kool,but when i downloaded it ,all ther was wer a bunch of demos of games.

You have to download python and learn the python and panda 3d languages
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 23, 2008, 01:16:01 pm
'like actually using REAL programming in school, all we use is excel so far.
tell me about it,im fluent in html,javascript,css,and learning php and in middle school and last year they explained usage of "the notorios close button." in laymans terms.python seems like the best so far.

Hey where did you learn JavaScript? I can't find a good place to learn it.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 23, 2008, 02:26:51 pm
ok everybody i finished the alien head,black are eyes,skin color can be interchangeable i dont care,and its not subdivided.And i have another idea for the alien heads that use gene mutations,they would have like pods on the back of the heads filled with liquid that could be like giving them more speed or strength or whatever so if u want me to start making that one i will.

[alien head moved to pg 11]
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 23, 2008, 02:53:46 pm
wiipowner,good model,but id give him a mouth of some sort.and i have found the color of the gods.

the great noob, they have a good tut on everything!  ;)
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 23, 2008, 03:31:28 pm
Thx Almost Cool.

Also that head is awesome we should use it
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 23, 2008, 03:36:36 pm
no prob,man
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 23, 2008, 04:35:57 pm
ok almost cool what kind of mouth should i give him???
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 23, 2008, 04:40:17 pm
mebbe sumthin oval-ish,and we can make him talk w/ morphs
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 23, 2008, 05:08:55 pm
ok,i made sort of ray gun if anyone is interested in it.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 23, 2008, 05:12:16 pm
I've got it! That can be used to launch the bio stuff.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 23, 2008, 05:33:30 pm
the textures dont work... it does look good tho!
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 23, 2008, 06:05:32 pm
yeah well u can add whatever textures u want to it i dont care.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on August 23, 2008, 06:55:57 pm
That's a really great gun! i can see that in a scifi game, definitely.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 23, 2008, 07:34:56 pm
on the ray-gun i tried to make tubes go from the canisters on the handle to the end of the gun but i just couldnt find a way to get them to work,so if anyone could help me out that would be good.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on August 23, 2008, 07:36:01 pm
Reminds me of the first (i think) unreal game, it had a Bio - Rifle  lol
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 23, 2008, 07:44:35 pm
lol that game is awesome i hav it installed on my pc currently.But anyways if we still need a person to do landscaping, i downloaded terranim8or,idk if its good or not but ill do some tutorials to learn how to use it,and ill also keep making some more weapons.

is it just me or is it just almost cool,the great noob and me working on this game???
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 23, 2008, 10:57:08 pm
ok so iv been working with terranim8or and its not that hard to use,i think i can make landscapes if u guys need me too.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 23, 2008, 11:13:36 pm
for the pipes you could extrude an n-gon along a path.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 23, 2008, 11:18:22 pm
oh ok thnx,iv been working with terrains and i think i can make the terrains for the game if nobody else wants to do it,ill start making a terrain for the game,how should it be barren and really red like mars or what??

heres a pic of the terrain i made earlier with a couple trees.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 24, 2008, 01:18:04 am
k i gave the alien head a mouth

and i also made a shoulder fired static cannon,i tried to make it so that the semi-circles spin around ,but i cant get the animation to work,ill try and work on it some more later.

ok i figured out how to make the static cannon work,no the moving part rotates and it fires,go into scene and watch "gun fire new"
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 24, 2008, 02:37:25 pm
nice terrain!those are SWEET!
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 24, 2008, 03:20:15 pm
heres a terrain i made with rocky features
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 24, 2008, 03:32:33 pm
thats a good one!
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 24, 2008, 04:36:01 pm
hey almost cool what r u going to do for this game,the coding???

heres a video of my static cannon firing

and heres a video of ray gun firing ,its kinda slow cuz when i rendered movie it was all slow idk

Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 24, 2008, 08:20:32 pm
Good work!

ill do prop modeling, and misc here and there.

and i think the terrain should be variable depending on location.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: TheCodedOne on August 25, 2008, 01:32:43 am
Your terrains are really impressive I'm happy to see the animations and things comming along.

Yeah keep at it guys!
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Setanta on August 25, 2008, 01:51:57 am
ok wow, been on vacation for a while and 10 more pages to this thread pop up o.o

so uh... can i get a summary of what kind of direction we're headed in now?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: emuman4evr on August 25, 2008, 11:52:06 am
Hey can I help? Give me concept art of something and I'll start working on it. If not I'll create a futuristic gun I had in my head.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on August 25, 2008, 02:46:30 pm
I like to take on minor parts of projects, scenery and stuff, anything i can help with?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 25, 2008, 05:03:02 pm
OK Santana, welcome back,its a long story so just read it. :-\

3d JW, just pop out models.we will see what ur good at

Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: emuman4evr on August 25, 2008, 08:48:21 pm
So is this going to be a FPS or any other first person game. I was thinking of doing some advanced platform thats floating in a canyon. You could also tell me to do stuff.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 25, 2008, 09:00:16 pm
oh my,
Bill.....Cosby :(

Turdgoblin :P

cuppa noodles ???

i got it.


that a great idea, we could have an entire level for this.

and we need to make an intro scene. Lets come up with somethin useable.this is where the colclough would be handy. all the good people are busy. :'(
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on August 25, 2008, 09:03:22 pm
Well... i dunno about "popping" out models, but can you give me a short list to work off (you should know that i'm very flaky, not good with projects, i'm like dandruff... sorta)
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 25, 2008, 09:20:02 pm
Dandruff. lol ;D

note that if any are too difficult,these are optional. ;)
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on August 25, 2008, 09:30:17 pm
I'll give some of them a go, but not the figure, definitely not.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 25, 2008, 09:41:03 pm
yeah that was the one that made me put the last sentence.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 25, 2008, 11:17:16 pm
hey almost cool do u need me to make anything ,im just experimenting w/ making weapons right now.Heres one of them i made,watch the scene.So are we going to still have some weapons be swords?Because i am better at making swords then guns and i could get working on some swords.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 26, 2008, 11:23:24 pm
heres a sword i just made
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 27, 2008, 12:26:31 pm
Hey nice sword!

Here's a suggestion

Also how do you do transparency?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: TheCodedOne on August 27, 2008, 05:12:27 pm
Wow epic sword thats pretty cool.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 27, 2008, 07:50:38 pm
Hey nice sword!

Here's a suggestion

Also how do you do transparency?

wats the suggestion?and for transparency u go to material editor and set trans ,o trans is totally transparent,1 is totally visible
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 28, 2008, 11:56:54 am
Thx. And the suggestion is that the sword is tapered.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 28, 2008, 12:01:06 pm
Ok Here's some of my work.

The katana blade needs to be sharpend (i forgot).

And i can't figure out wether the 2nd one is a space station or a grenade.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 28, 2008, 12:10:10 pm
Well im on a diff comp so i cant see those.

hey almost cool do u need me to make anything

wiipowner,make a fig 4 the head if u want,if not fig,at least body parts,im curios about whatt  you can do with those! :)
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 29, 2008, 12:04:52 am
Well im on a diff comp so i cant see those.

wiipowner,make a fig 4 the head if u want,if not fig,at least body parts,im curios about whatt  you can do with those! :)

ok ill try to make some body parts iv never done body parts tho.i made a new weapon today,its a single shot/sword sort of thing ,check it out

Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 29, 2008, 12:08:04 am

Ok Here's some of my work.

The katana blade needs to be sharpend (i forgot).

And i can't figure out wether the 2nd one is a space station or a grenade.

i think the second model should be a grenade,o could see me throwing that thing.U should add some color to it,maybe even some textures

has some good textures
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 29, 2008, 12:25:13 pm
K i'll check it out.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 29, 2008, 06:01:39 pm
does anyone know how to post a model w/ textures
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 29, 2008, 06:02:47 pm
Try putting both the an8 file and the textures in a zip file and posting it
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 29, 2008, 06:13:27 pm
good idea.btw does us makin our own engine change how bad our poly count can be.i mean seriosly!these are unnessasarilly large files.good,but large.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Setanta on August 29, 2008, 09:30:02 pm
making our own engine is near impossible... and with a freeware engine, we're gonna have to keep our poly count in check.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 29, 2008, 09:53:24 pm
good idea.btw does us makin our own engine change how bad our poly count can be.i mean seriosly!these are unnessasarilly large files.good,but large.

well if u are referring to some of the models i hav been posting lately,we can use that program some said was talking about a few pages back to make the polys go down a lot.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 29, 2008, 10:35:40 pm
I added some textures to my grenade.

Here's a picture:
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 29, 2008, 10:36:05 pm
im learnin panda 3D so...


lol. ive always wanted to do that. :)
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 29, 2008, 10:41:15 pm
00000000OOOOOOOOOoooooooohhhh nice texturing.meybe put sumthin awesome in that middle part.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 29, 2008, 11:01:37 pm
I added some textures to my grenade.

Here's a picture:

that is really kool i like the texture
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 29, 2008, 11:02:42 pm
im learnin panda 3D so...

isnt panda 3d c++,thats a kinda hard language to learn,even though im learning it in school right now.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 29, 2008, 11:04:03 pm
im learnin panda 3D so...

isnt panda 3d c++,thats a kinda hard language to learn,even though im learning it in school right now.

No It's python mainly which is a very easy language to learn
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 29, 2008, 11:06:57 pm
Yes its python based.

btw they are obsessed with pandas.

all the examples involve pandas

same for tutourials,manuals,instructions,and now 76% of my brain.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 29, 2008, 11:08:20 pm
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: TheCodedOne on August 29, 2008, 11:08:29 pm
Nice grenade pretty cool texture.

Wow almost cool lol.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 29, 2008, 11:16:32 pm
now so the game appeals to all audiences.we want a rich, immersive world with different terrains.ill see what i can do.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 29, 2008, 11:37:31 pm
k so i figured out how to rig a model to the skeleton so ill start working on a body for the alien i made,do u want kinda like a "blocky"-runescape kinda body or something more round and defined?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Tanzim on August 30, 2008, 12:58:55 am
Guys, maybe one of you should make a forum for this, because this is taking up Steve's bandwidth and it's already 14 pages long.

(From my post)
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 30, 2008, 01:06:51 am
Guys, maybe one of you should make a forum for this, because this is taking up Steve's bandwidth and it's already 14 pages long.

(From my post)

that would probably be a good idea ,i would make one on a site if i knew how are where to..
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 30, 2008, 01:10:03 am
well runescape was horrible where graphics are concerned  :P,make it about as detailed as the head.

and i made an untextured landscape.

for the sides,whos played hl2,ep2.because in the beggining scene,you stare at a citadel, but due to a creative, but plausible series of obstacles,you cant get to it.meybe we could have a plane with something like that blocking it,so you cant see its a plane!
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 30, 2008, 01:24:07 am
wat is hl2,ep2?oh half life,iv played some of it but not a lot,heres the alien w/ the torso done,torso only took me like 20 minutes to complete,and it would be a good idea to make our own private forum so not just anyone can open up this topic and take all our models.

hey guys i made a private forum for us,so we dont slaughter steves bandwidth,so go register there

[forum has been moved to another site,send almost cool,great noob or me a message to learn more info]
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: almost cool on August 30, 2008, 02:32:31 pm
sorry steve, good job wiipowner.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: Tanzim on August 31, 2008, 02:53:55 am
Good work wiipower!

almost cool: Make sure you lock this thread so no-one else can post.
And I'd recommend that once in a while you guys show some of your (best and finished) work at this forum to get new recruits!

BTW: Can some edit The Great Noobs post so the whole world doesn't know how to get to the g-mail account.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: DressedForSucess on August 31, 2008, 05:54:38 am
Hey guys

aint been on in ages but the game thingy looks coool.
Are you still building it around a fantasy Might and Magic, Oblivion style game?

i might be able to help out with exterior world models if you want some help:)?
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: wiipowner on August 31, 2008, 11:42:37 am
Hey guys

aint been on in ages but the game thingy looks coool.
Are you still building it around a fantasy Might and Magic, Oblivion style game?

i might be able to help out with exterior world models if you want some help:)?

k that would b kool,just go to the site and register.
Title: Re: anim8or game team effort
Post by: The Great Noob on August 31, 2008, 12:55:27 pm
BTW: Can some edit The Great Noobs post so the whole world doesn't know how to get to the g-mail account.

Sorry I was having trouble thinking straight