Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: pscheunemann on July 23, 2008, 09:14:23 am
I wanted to post this project for some time now, it is a series of promotional intros I'm doing for my town's local TV network...
basically they're supermarket mascots and they need a different theme evey couple of months; so far I've done 2 themes.
But first I'll introduce ya to the little guys:
Super Pedro:
Incredible Jr.
The super-mobile ;D :
and you can view a preview test of them in action on youtube:
ok, so now to the first theme, which is country/folk based (don't realy like it, but it's a big thing that time of year in my country, with many festivals going on):
and for the final result look them up on youtube:
the second theme, I had them go on a fishing trip, 'cause again it was fishing season in my country, it's when people go up the amazon's basin, or to rivers nearby to fish:
first i did the river and its surrounding:
river wireframe:
their boat:
and for he final video look up in youtube:
So this is it, the next theme will probably be on the olympic games, which I'll be posting here soon...I hope i didn't exceed in details or images.
*any construtive critics are very welcome!
*it was all modelled and rendered in anim8or, other programs were only used for video editing.
This has to be the best work I have ever seen done in Anim8or. Great what more can you say !!!!
- wish i was this good... :-[
WOW i love the lake render. This looks like the short videos you would see on cartoon stations
Thank you guys for the compliments and for all the support!...
the next theme should come out sometime in august...this time they're going to the olpympics..:D
Ace ace and ace! fantastic work there! I love the figures as well as the lake :)
That river was stunning, you have shown me Anim8ors true potential, raytraced I suspect?
Though your animation could with some tweaking, they seem to be sliding.
thank you^^^^
it was scanlined!
Tanzim, I have to work on animating, and you say sliding when they're walking!?...
Just shows you all what anim8or is capable of doing don`t it !
yeah, those are simply amazing
How long did they take you to make?
They are amazing, they slide when they do the dancing bit at the beginning of the first one, and when they walk up the metal thing inside the freezer
^^^^that is true, the sliding problem is something i find difficult to cope with, specially on walking sequences...
^^^^Thank you, that was really helpfull...I'll start using weight bone influence from now on, they seem to work a lot better...
No problem. I like your work a lot.
Maybe you can do a tut on making the spray around the boats? It's very effective.
thank you Dosser, it takes me about two weeks to do each theme, maybe less if I work on it non-stop..
thank you headwax, good to hear(read XD) that!....... and for the water first I wanted to do some morph wavy effect on the water, but that would be a hell of work since the boat was moving, so I settled for the spray...
I created fire particles in Terranim8or then in anim8or I changed the particle colors from fiery to a more watery palette, after that I rendered it against a green screen and composed it to the final boat scene in After effects...
I found it a lot easier to manipulate it that way, and it took me less rendering and animating time...if time wasn't a problem I would have morphed the water around the boat and rendered the spray within anim8or.
And I'll come around making tuts eventually, never done one.....:)
*By the way if anyone noticed on the youtube videos, the language they're speaking is portuguese and all they do is introduce don't get spooked, they're not uttering any sort of voodoo chant or something like it...XD
Top notch work here!
I have to say the models kinda scare me. The blank happy stares are less like heroes and more like evil dolls one might find on a child’s dresser in a bad horror movie.
Technically they are good models, and well animated, just kinda scary.
I like the capes flowing in the wind.
I would like to see how you used Teranimator to make the water. I haven’t had much luck with the fire plug in.
After effects ? Hmm :) Thanks pschuennmann
"I have to say the models kinda scare me" lol XD, maybe the lidless eyes gave you that impression...:D
thank you by the way...
and headwax, i used After Effects, but any video-editor with chroma keying works as well...
wow how do you do that?
Did you use reference images off the internet or did you just free hand it?
on modelling it was all free hand, but for the textures, some I did myself and others i took off the internet...
I'll be posting more stuff soon, I'm almost done rendering...
beautiful texturing, good job!
makes me feel a lil jealous :-[
^^^^thank you :)
I uploaded a running Test sequence that I'm working on for the olympic theme, the project is finished, but still got some rendering to do...meanwhile take a look at the preview:
I love your animations and the cute characters, great work :)
I think the characters are a little too shiney.
Aside from that, it looks fantastic
I wanted to post this when the olympic games where taking place, but the rendering delayed, and I had tons of other stuff to do at I finally finished the new theme, and as I said previosly, it is about the olympic games.
here is a pic of how the stadium looks like:
The video on youtube:
^^^^I planned to do some more sequences, but settled with running and jumping.
hope you guys like!:)
Muito legal paulo! parabéns!
Neirão - Brazil
wow.. this is a proffesional work.. but they are so happy... that smile...
really good modeling, but in the run sequence they look more like they are walking than running.
have a look at some movies at people running to see how you can improve the running animation
Obrigado neirãoBR (thanks neirao)
...hahaha neodelito, everyone points out the cheesy smile.
and Mactetra... walking!? could say they're at least jogging! ;P
but i do see what you mean, I need to improve my animation, and part of that problem comes from never using reference footage...thanks though.
...haven't updated this in a long time..
here is the latest animation, and its hind/Bollywood themed:
I used anim8or for the characters only this time, the rest of the background was composed in After Effects!....the animations are mostly the same old ones...except on the part they dance thriller...XD...
LOL, really good.
My crits are that in dance scenes, there's usually and leading lady and man, and the never do backflips, but otherwise, great work.
Hey can i use those figures in my movie please ? , il remember to use ur name in my movie , you can send it to :)
Anton, I'd suggest that you create your own instead, instead of using someone else's work, that way you can be proud that you did it all on your own and learn a lot from having created it yourself.
Ja its true , practise makes perfect thanx :)
Thanks Tanzim!
You can use them if you want! but like Tanzim said, it's way better to create your own! :)
Besides that, these characters are sort of committed to a business image... wouldn't be quite right to take that identity, would it?
true, but the broadcast area is so restricted it wouldn't have much effect at all....but ur right arik! it is still the image of someone! even if from a small unknown town! XD....
....I'll be posting some more of these guys soon! I'm trying to improve the models and all!