Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: DoctorStopMo on December 19, 2007, 08:22:51 pm
First, I'd like to say that I'm very excited to see an WIP Forum up and running with the ability to offer real C&C :). Thanks, Steve!
Here's a little project I've begun in my minimal spare time. I scrapped the skeleton that I began working on years ago because it had too many issues with proportions and such. Here's what I have so far on the latest attempt:
And here are some materials applied (experimented with an X-ray type of material with some limited success...not totally satisfied with the result yet):
Up next: spinal column and vertebrae. C&C welcome!
Incredible! I like the x-ray look. Maybe try adding a subtle glow to it?
When I saw the name I couldn't believe it!
Great to see you back DoctorStopMo.
The skull is looking very nice. I'm not quite sure about the anatomy of it, as I'm no expert, but It looks pretty dang good!
An x-ray texture seems a bit difficult. It probably required playing around with emissive, ambience, diffuse, all that jazz. Right now I have to admit that it doesn't look much like an x-ray, as x-rays seem to light up more around more condensed areas with more things behind it as well as the sides.
Wonderful modeling though, a wire would be nice to see. I always love seeing peoples edgelooping.
Great to see you back! (and you should visit the new .org forums ;))
hey DoctorStopMo, I have seen this before I think, it looks real good! As hihosilver said, I would like to see a wireframe aswell.. I'm sure it looks inicredible.
About the x-ray view.. I agree it doesn't look much like one.. But making that in anim8or is probably near impossible..
a quick search on wikipedia:
Anyway I really like what you have so far.. and I hope we can see more of it!
Lord of Twisties: Thanks. I'm by no means much of an expert on materials. I don't really know what the Glow property is. I mainly increased the diffuse component, added a little specularity, increased the emissive, reduced the roughness slightly, and added a tiny bit on the brilliance. The trans I tried to change to various other settings and see what the end result looks like. If it's too dense, it doesn't give the full X-ray effect, and if it's too light, you just end up losing all the details. I'll try experimenting with it again later on.
hihosilver: Thanks - you're right about the process; see above ;). Here's a wire:
$imon: This is a new model (scrapped the old skull I was working on years ago), but I did post some images from this in the Original Forum with some ideas for Steve based on some observations I had while modeling the whole thing. Some of the difficulties with the x-ray are inherent to the nature of modeling and construction. The x-ray itself will be brightest where there are areas of high density bone, and darkest where there is a lot of air. So around the nasal passages, you have a lot of sinus spaces and those show up as dark areas in the center of the skull. The thick cranial vault is dense, so that shows up as bright white. With the model, pretty much the reverse is true; it took a ton of polies to model the internal bones of the nasal apparatus, and not that many for the cranial vault. When Trans properties are used, the cranial vault ends up being almost totally transparent and the nasal sinuses end up looking really bright. I don't know if I'll be able to get around it with one uniform material; it might take applying one material to the cranial vault and then another material to the sinuses and so on. Thanks for the input.
Might be a little while before I have the next update...gonna be on vacation :).
This model is absolutely stunning. It's one thing to make a complex model, quite another to make it accurate. Not an anatomist but I would think the skull is the most complex bone structure to model. Seriously well done.
Hello DSM
I'd echo all the complements! Absolutely stunning! :)
If you want c and c, the first thing I noticed is the perfection of the little holes in the chin. I assume they are for the outlet of nerves? (foramen? my anatomy is pretty ordinary :) ). It was the prfection that stood out, that made it look cad. Then I looked at the rest of the model and realised ... it was too perfect! The teeth are straight, the symmetry is ....well.... symmetrical ;).
So if you want a c and c, I would suggest dirtying it up, getting rid of the perfect teeth, distorting one side slightly to reflect human foibles.
Or is assymetry skin deep? And are we all perfect inside after all? Just like I tell my missus....
great stuff.
edit quick reference
Wow that's really nice but the x-ray really loocks like jello-o Nice Work.:)
Just joined ... good to see your work again DoctorStopMo ... I used to marvel at your work on "the other" Anim8or forum and was sad to see you leave.
Excellent work on the skeleton, outstanding job! ... one question ... why isn't this sort of work on the Anim8or main gallery? It's a fantastic advertisement for Anim8or, showing the amazing level of work that can be achieved with this great program and some talent (which you clearly have in abundance).
great skull! i actually like the x-ray view, granted it isn't accurate, but it looks cool
ENSONIQ5: Thanks. I enjoyed your animation work as well :). Inspired me to have a hand at trying animation, but I'm keeping that project a secret for now ;).
Headwax: Yup, foramen, or foramina for plural :). Thanks for the crit. You're absolutely right. I've given it some serious thought since I read your post a few days ago, and it really is sort of easier to model things perfect for now. What I'm thinking about doing is completing the modeling, and then maybe porting it to ZBrush to add the sorts of imperfections you're talking about. Thank you for the thought you put into your reply - it's much appreciated, and even if it seems like I'm not taking your crit, it's definitely been noted :).
sciwizeh, flametiger74: Thanks - I'll be reworking the x-ray look as multiple materials since I don't believe it's possible to achieve it accurately with just one. Stay tuned for that one - might be closer to the end of the project than the beginning.
enzo: Thanks. I'll be the first one to say that it's a WIP and definitely not gallery-worthy yet! I'll try and work up a render that Steve can conisder adding. I'd be embarrassed to even propose it at this point, though. What would Steve think? I've got an idea for a render that I will submit in the next month or so, hopefully :).
And now, with apologies for the long wait due to my vacation, here are some updates! As I said earlier, I'd be working on the spinal column. It's just about finished, with one last big bone to model and a smaller appendage (the sacrum and the coccyx). Vertebrae feel like the hardest things I've ever modeled. It's way easier to do a head! They're just oddly shaped little buggers and hard to get just right...still, I was extremely insistent on getting all the grooves and such modeled on every single one, so I spent a lot of polies on them:
And here's the first 24 of them linked up:
Poly count as of now, presubdivision: 28092 quads. C&C welcome as always. :)
Man, that is just too cool! By the time you are done you are gonna have a seriously detailed knowledge of the human skeleton, if you don't already. See, I am way too lazy to do something like this. It'd make an awesome animation figure though.
that... is... just... unspeakably... amazing... probably the most awesome piece of anim8or modelling i've ever seen! i find organic stuff near-impossible to build, so the fact that you've managed to do that with such accuracy is just mind-blowing. dare i ask how long that took?
not to mention that it's rather creepy too B]
- colclough
wow that is so, way beyond what i can do, i'm a noob anyway. that is amazing and incredible
Wonderful model there!
I don't see how you can afford all those polies, must be a very fast computer... or you use subdivision levels and the hide tool smartly ;)
Great modeling so far. How far do you plan to go with this? It's looking amazing right now.
Amazing work on the spine!
that was ace! I am at a loss for words! the skull was fantastic and all those individual pieces for the spine was fantastic! i loved the X-Ray vision!
I don't kinow how you did it. But you did. That is the best spine and skull I have ever seen! Fantastic!
Just splendid !!!!!
Very nice and detailed model! Superb!
(Staring at computer dumbfounded by intenseness of the model)
(Staring at computer dumbfounded by intenseness of the model)
tanzim, i know exactly what you mean!
- colclough
Hello all - I'm sorry to have been away for so long. I haven't really had a chance to work on the skeleton as much as I'd like, unfortunately, with work and life getting in the way. At present, I have another major job going on and for it I'm modeling a heart (once I get to an advanced enough stage, I'll post some renders of that). Hope to work on this project again sometime real soon. Thanks for all your support! :D
... I have another major job going on and for it I'm modeling a heart ...
let me guess... this other project is Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Man's Chest - The Anim8or Remake? ;D
on a more serious note, if you want to share any tips on modelling internal organs, they'd be much appreciated, i need to make some too ;)
- colclough
Yeah I can't wait to see your new renders as they are fantastic! I really mean that!
(Staring at computer dumbfounded by intenseness of the model)
And Yes, I know what you mean.
That looks great so far.
The only crit I really have is the triangular part right above the nose and between the eyes looks somewhat strange to me.
I don't think there's going to be any easy way to accomplish an x-ray look that's real authentic looking. I'd suggest using an emissive material only with a transparency og about .5 or so, and set everything else (especially the specularity) to 0.
That's really wonderful work.