Thank you both!
You are right...I just took a screen shot.
I never use the render thigny...
And, I try to never use smoothing on edges, as all I am making goes into my sims2 game, and it has to be small in size

(if it has anything to do with what you both said

But I'll try what you've suggested me, and see what it gives...for the look of it!
I don't use the texture in Anim8or anymore, I don't really know how it works...I do all my uv mapping in Milkshape 3D.
Thanks again,
Rosie :0)
I think I did this right, not sure though,
Something like this ? try first to go to scene mode, but there, my object never showed up, so I went back to object mode, then render.
Thank you,
Rosie :0)