That would be a great addition, hihosilver. It might be possible to have just one quick-keyframe-add key however, which would add a keyframe to whatever was selected. Having multiple buttons might get a bit confusing when adding keyframes to lights, for instance, which have so many animatable parameters. If you wanted a keyframe in just the orientation channel, you could expand the element in the keyframe editor, select the "orientation" motion control channel, and hit the shortcut key. You could select multiple channels using the ctrl key (or right mouse button to keep the Anim8or convention) and keyframes would be added to all those channels selected. Of course, this would mean that every element would have to have, by default, motion controllers for every animatable parameter relative to that element.
PLanAhead - that would be a nice idea. Although I understand the 3-button/3-axis approach to rotating bones in sequence mode, and it gives excellent control, it would be more industry standard, so to speak, more like traditional 2D graphics packages, to have 'handles' on the bones, by which the bones are rotated around the axis perpendicular to the monitor, no matter what view you are in. Having the directional axis marker double as this handle is a great idea.