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Author Topic: Script Request: Industrial FX, eg. smoke, sparks, etc  (Read 9498 times)


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Script Request: Industrial FX, eg. smoke, sparks, etc
« on: June 25, 2008, 01:18:04 pm »

hi all
i haven't tried ASL myself (yes, i know i should, really, but i'm kinda busy at the moment), but i was just wondering if some of the more scripting-savvy people out there might be able to write some scripts for various special effects that you might find in an industrial environment, eg. showers of sparks, wisps of steam/smoke coming off things, etc.

i'm aware that it's possible to do this sort of thing by using other programs, or in high-poly ways (i seem to remember seeing a particle-based smoke test once, and the creator said there were x zillion particles in there), but i was wondering if ASL might offer a simpler, perhaps more lowpoly, in-anim8or way of doing things.

for the wisps-of-smoke thing, for example, would it be possible to create a lowpoly model with a transparency map and several morph targets, and use scripting to manipulate the targets in a way that would approximate real smoke movements?  so, rather than positioning the object and then spending ages playing with morphs yourself, you could just run a script, specify the object's location, and let the script do the animating for you.

like i said, i haven't really explored the possibilities of scripting yet, but if anybody thinks its doable and wants to give it a shot, your efforts would be much appreciated :)


- colclough


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Re: Script Request: Industrial FX, eg. smoke, sparks, etc
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2008, 01:55:02 pm »

Have you tried terranim8or yet?  It can do many of these things for you.  You can also use terranim8or and then do only a small bit of editing yourself to alter for things such as sparks or smoke (Just change the transmap to your own, and set the right settings in terranim8or.)