Hi this is my First Post in WIP Forum..
My Project:
1rst 3DWebPage Editor
Is alpha release
This is multi engine edithor. . . not for only 3dWebPages..

2d 3D WebBrowser

Only click in url to activate and press ENTER..
here are somes dirs..
http://www.duraben.cl/neodelito/demo/they show many functions and 3d examples.
downloads tool works fine but in the example i forgot put the correct url... sorry..
http://www.duraben.cl/neodelito/flor/they Show 3d Matrix..
Hi i experiment whit many plataforms to make a real 3D Web Browser, but i chose darkbasic as plataform and Anim8or as Modeler.. so i make an 3D Multieditor, for Fps,Rol,Rts and 3DWWW whit respectives engines, the first 80% terminated is the 3dWWW engine and is in beta bersion.. thet work great in a god internet conection.. here are somes shot.. i realy need help whit somes designs.. i make many design in png format, and real 3d, but in somes screens or computers the png format dont work... (i suppose need directx 9c).. so here are somes screenshot in realtime...

You click in any link ando go to the target..
they have scroll mesajes like this

You can add download content like regular web page

And scroll image galeries..like dragon images

Here you see you can add you own 3D models as other elements and add actions like animations, rotation or texture animations

Scroll News whit auto refresh (like a live chat)

You can do anithing.. this engine i made in 1 month whit 2 hours per day... and here are the results..

Now my question.. i make somes design but the png format makeme crazy.. in somes pc's work exelent and in others not work...
here are the browser if you like see in realtime...
1. Download Web Browser..
2. Execute
- appear one cube, but if you move your mouse at top the window and click , appear a url.
- delete this url and put
http://www.duraben.cl/neodelito- NOT PUT "/" in the end..
- Wait a few seconds, then appear a messake "OK" then wait 5 seconds and appear a basic 3D Web...
i realy like your help..
[ic:coffee]20 of june 2008
here is the original post you can download the beta browser
other .. this is my first Csi-Fi Gun
O hope you like.. this is my first csi-fi model gun i made..
this is a container style...

clik to see full..

You can download in .X 3ds anim8or, milkshape.. md2.. etc..