yea the white glowing thing is gonna be the window (gotta make the interior), there are 2 more windows right behind it on both its sides, i'll point out where exactly in the next picture i post. it does look simple, but that's because i haven't textured it yet. and i did not make any detail. i just wanted to make sure everyone (especially spicy) likes the design for a fighter this way. the two red glowing things resemble torpedo tubes. ofcourse, in this series they'll be different things, since i have no idea what kind of weapons spicy wants. i only read about the nuclear turrets or something, but i don't think they fit on a fighter of this size. how about particle weapons? we're gonna have those right? then i can start model the emitters. there's also gonna be a communications array and a docking port (essentialy, a door). and the engines (the blue glowing things) can be rotated up so that the ship can land without destroying the engines. i'll also make some landing gear (like the ones from voyager), retractable ofcourse.
the main idea with my design is that in the rear compartiment, all the heavy stuff is (reactor, computer, torpedo storage) and the front compartiment has the cockpit and a few crew quarters (2, suited for a total of 6 people). if you look careful, you can see there's a tiny extension on the top of the rear compartiment. that is the release hatch for the reactor. just as in star trek, it can be ejected.
as a reactor, i'd imagine a diamond splitter. it kind of works using the E=MC² formula. split an atom, and get a whole lot of energy. why diamond? cause diamonds have the most atoms in the least space. so they're very effective for energy storage. the splitting of atoms seems very crude, but in the future, when it can be contained much better, i'd imagine someone would use it as energy source. using antimatter for every little thing gets boring...
maybe the larger ships will use antimatter, and shuttles and fighters will use diamond splitters. spicy?