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Author Topic: Space Series Idea  (Read 205662 times)


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Re: Space Series Idea
« Reply #45 on: June 06, 2008, 11:41:45 pm »

Wow, do they not use dibs in the uk? Anyways... It's seems you've put allot of effort into this Spicy. I dibs interior construction of a least 1x ship! (More please...)


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Re: Space Series Idea
« Reply #46 on: June 07, 2008, 01:33:47 am »

I think we should start a new forum dedicated to the space series, to stop us using/wasting anymore of Steve's bandwidth, if this does get going.
I think I've got a name: 'The memoirs of Commodore Matthews' written in some high-tech spacey font.


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Re: Space Series Idea
« Reply #47 on: June 07, 2008, 02:48:03 am »

First thing you may want to do spicy, is get ur own website so you dont blog down Steve's.


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Re: Space Series Idea
« Reply #48 on: June 07, 2008, 06:17:58 am »

I agree. Deffinately need own website, maybe with a section only for project members so we can talk about things inside the series without spoiling it for all the tobe viewers


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Re: Space Series Idea
« Reply #49 on: June 07, 2008, 06:57:21 am »

Yeah, but who's going to pay for the site, and who here knows HTML
I'd recommend for the forum.


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Re: Space Series Idea
« Reply #50 on: June 07, 2008, 07:26:01 am »

please don't use anim8ion studios, it is far too like anim8or studios.

people will get confused, think of something else.


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Re: Space Series Idea
« Reply #51 on: June 07, 2008, 09:21:26 am »

I agree, and I wont use anim8ion studios if it upsets other people, actaully it does sound a bit like anim8or studios. Sorry for the confusion. Glad we still got people intrested, but about making a site. I was going to make a site sometime later this year (I asked my mum and she said she would let me about August Spetember time). And they propably use dibs in the UK, but I wouldn't know about it, similair ones to that is bagsy or shotgun. But yeah, if and when I can I will try to make my own forum for us all. I am really excited! Just to let you know, I have started to model the interior senate room for the Universal Republic and the solar system


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Re: Space Series Idea
« Reply #52 on: June 07, 2008, 10:28:46 am »

i'm a brit, and i'm familiar with both 'dibs' and 'bagsy', although i haven't come across 'shotgun' being used in that context.

i agree that a separate forum could be a good idea.

i also agree that Anim8ion Studios is too similar to the other group, and therefore too confusing.  how about Wireframe Studios / Wireframe Productions?  just a thought.

i wrote this yesterday on the topic of copyright, but couldn't post it because my internet connection is dodgy, and went down while i was typing:

technically, as soon as you create something, you own the copyright on it (assuming you're not being paid to create it, under a contract which says the rights go to the person paying you).  getting your copyright registered, though, is another thing.  not sure who you go to or how much it costs, but it's probably some government agency.  shouldn't be too hard to find out with a bit of googling.  also, if you put a copy of your work in a sealed envelope, get it date-stamped by the post office, and then don't ever open it, that can be used to prove your copyright ownership if there's ever a dispute.

however, in the case of a name, e.g. Anim8or Studios, you probably mean trademark rather than copyright.  it's a related idea, but it's not quite the same thing.  again, i think you can claim something as a trademark (assuming it's something original, of course) without having to register, but you can protect yourself in the eyes of the law by getting it registered.  i've always assumed that's why some things are marked 'TM', and others '®' - you can only use ® if you've gone to the appropriate government body, and choked up some cash to have your trademark put on the official lists.

legal stuff, eh?  so much trouble... :P

i know other people have said some similar things, but there's my explanation anyway, for what it's worth ;)

- colclough


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Re: Space Series Idea
« Reply #53 on: June 07, 2008, 10:56:15 am »

call me pessimistic / cynical, but shouldn't you get something done before working out what to call yourselves?

A lot of 'big projects' don't finish 'round here. The official Anim8or movie hasn't really gotten anywhere for example (considering how long its been going). I've worked on a few on my own, and really your enthusiasm is at it's greatest early on. Perhaps you should use these early days to go full throttle at the actual modelling, rather than arguing about the name.

Look at it this way: think of it as earning your name. So far, you haven't done anything as a group: so why do you deserve a name yet? While you're modelling: remember that you want to be a member of this unknown group, you want to be known etc. You'll probably come up with the perfect name later anyway.

The point is, it's not a top priority. This project seems a little more realistic than a lot that I've heard about, I'd like to see it finish. but remember, at this point you're not a 'studio' or 'company' because you haven't done anything ;)

(yet :D )


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Re: Space Series Idea
« Reply #54 on: June 07, 2008, 05:11:33 pm »

The official Anim8or movie hasn't really gotten anywhere for example

what do you mean?

we have gone on for much longer than any other anim8or project, we have some of the highest quality modelers in the anim8or community.

We have now finished modeling everything for the first scene and lots of stuff for the rest of the movie, we have cast all the voice actors we need for the first scene and we know who is animating it. I don't understand why people assume we are getting no-where.


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Re: Space Series Idea
« Reply #55 on: June 07, 2008, 05:30:42 pm »

Well, i know HTML. And PERL. And JS. And for those of you who don't know the last two: PERL is a server-side script for things like forums, and JS (Javascript) is a client-side script to make the page look fancier. Dosser, have you got the PDF. If you've read that you'll see a lot of work has already gone into this.


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Re: Space Series Idea
« Reply #56 on: June 07, 2008, 05:36:04 pm »

Thanks devilGames at least a few people here understand the amount of time and effort I have put in to this project and I know that the name is not important right at the moment (But I considered it). And before you say something Dosser, THINK. Anim8or Studios has put alot of hard work and determination for there project, you going around saying they have done nothing is not going to help. It takes time Dosser for projects to start. But yes I am glad you think this project will get somewhere and it WILL! And there is no arguement about the name
P.S This isn't going to help the thread


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Re: Space Series Idea
« Reply #57 on: June 07, 2008, 07:37:25 pm »

If you can follow through with this it looks perfect to enter in this contest:,873.0.html
There are prizes and publicity and everything.  I say give it a shot!


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Re: Space Series Idea
« Reply #58 on: June 08, 2008, 06:28:39 am »

I think that we probably won't be able to enter into that, mainly to do with limitations on Team Size to 10. I'm pretty sure this will go over that, but if it doesn't it sounds like a good idea. (I say we, because there isn't a set name yet.) Also, Anim8ion doesn't really sound like Anim8or to me, only the start. But it looks very similar...


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Re: Space Series Idea
« Reply #59 on: June 08, 2008, 06:47:04 am »

If we can produce an episode every 3 months, who knows maybe, then again, we're going to have to produce x episodes a year (1 season), that's more often then the competitions take place.

(x= number of episodes, and I'm not sure if I'm allowed to tell anyone yet [of course, members already know])
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