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Author Topic: was wondering  (Read 10845 times)


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was wondering
« on: May 30, 2008, 01:05:10 am »

 what all software u need to make a game and how much will it cost and where to get some free ?


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Re: was wondering
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2008, 08:41:56 am »

why would you create a new thread when there was allready one, where the exact same question is asked?
and still: learn a programing language (C++ is the most common for game making) and learn ether DirectX or openGL.
even if you use a game maker, like Gamemaker, or the polly engine when its released, you wont be able to make a game in a couple of hours!
game making is complecated, and hard work!
if its something you are not planing to go into depth with, i would sugest you just play the games!

good luck (and shame on you for making another thread about the same question :P )
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Re: was wondering
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2008, 12:24:47 pm »

Before posting it's recommended to search for that topic first.
Anyway....If you are new to game making? Gamemaker would be a safe option which requires a basic level of game making language/understanding.
But if you are totaly new to gamemaking you may want to pick up a copy of "The 3D Gamemaker light" by SCI games which is a very basic point and click games creator using dark basic which you will be able to make a game in under 30 mins, approx £5 from PC world in the UK.
Check out for Gamemaker. Gamemaker is free for light & £20ish for pro & only gets complex when you start messing with GM Physics apart from that it's pretty simple.

Hope this helps


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Re: was wondering
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2008, 04:09:47 pm »

well, are you goin for gameplay, or do you just want to see your anim8or models in a game?
i am asking because that you wont get much gameplay from a gamemaker, if your not programming a little!
you may be able to do much in a game maker, but it will never be quite as good as programming... just faster!
please stop sugesting those game makers! your are messing with there minds, and giving them wrong pictures about what game making actually is!

please do yourself a favor: learn C++, or C#!

C++: this is if you want to use directX or OGL! this will proberly give the best result, but also being the hardest to learn! it will require that you have some basic programming experience but with that said, its pretty easy to get started! when you get the hang of it you can get yourself ether the OGL or DirectX SDK, and start making your games.

C#/XNA: Microsoft released the XNA gamestudios wich is a verry easy to learn directX engine for C#. its basicly directX though it putted all the complicated stuff into simple functions. its easy to set up and get started, and theres tutorials on how to display a mesh on screen, move it around, editing light options, and so on.
after that you will have to think by yourself! yea i know "thinking by myself? like actually use my brain? where can i download gamema...." wait a second! its actually quite alot of fun! also think about it this way: the bigger the effort, the bigger the satisfaction.
if you made a game in half an hour i bet you will be thinking: "wow! i told a program to game a game for me! big deal! i can make another 20 of those today!" whats so fun about that!

anyway, my fingers hurt from typing so ill give it a brake!
just think about taking the path of a programmer, instead of a "cheater".

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Re: was wondering
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2008, 07:58:23 pm »

Wow way to go calling lots of people cheaters, I don;t believe you or anyone else has the right to insult others like that. you are wlecome to your opinion but maybe you should stick to defending your point of view instead of attacking or insulting others Just a thought!!..



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Re: was wondering
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2008, 08:01:14 pm »

so where the best place to learn how to program / and can u take games already made and make them workin an XBoX 360 IFgame is from PS3 or any game from any system ?


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Re: was wondering
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2008, 09:03:16 pm »

Wow way to go calling lots of people cheaters, I don;t believe you or anyone else has the right to insult others like that. you are wlecome to your opinion but maybe you should stick to defending your point of view instead of attacking or insulting others Just a thought!!..

you are actually right... it wasn't supposed to sound that way! just realised it now when i re-read the post!
my appolegise (spell?) for anyone that may feel insulted by my post! didn't mean it that way =(

and to answer your question trapstar: you will find a lot of usefull tutorials on different sites! one of them is here:
also you should know that this may take a long time! i have been programming for more than 4 years and i am still a "noob".
if you need any help regarding C++ leave me a pm or something, and ill help you as good as i can!

and about your xbox to ps3 question: No! you cant do that because its to different softeware providers! xbox is made by microsoft, and ps is made by sony.
if you create a game in XNA game studios you can run it on a Xbox 360 though! actually pretty cool!

with that said there is nothing else to say that: "happy coding" ;)
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Re: was wondering
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2008, 10:28:43 am »

big thumbs up to craksy!!,

ANyone out there going to try a gamemaker, I wouldn't go with 3D gmaemaker if I were you, I tried it a few years ago and while it does make some good quick games for my 4 year old son, it doens't have any lasting appeal. Also even though they do still sell it they no longer really back it up with any kind of support or help.