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Ian Ross has just released a book on Anim8or. It's perect for a beginner and a good reference for experienced users. It contains detailed chapters on every aspect, with many examples. Get your own copy here: "Anim8or Tutorial Book"

Author Topic: JAva Tutorials have finally arrived!  (Read 7840 times)


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JAva Tutorials have finally arrived!
« on: January 20, 2009, 11:07:24 pm »

Well now I have posted the first parts of my java tutorial series :o

If you want to learn a programming language, well here is your chance, please note that these are my first tutorials so bear with me on them.

If the screen happens to be all white, give it a second since it is transferring the data from

With that said here is the link!

I will be re-editing the post when I have new tutorials so stay tuned for more, and of course I will inform all of you when a new tutorial is up.

Hope you enjoy them :D