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Author Topic: Orc with Chains: Anim8or v.97b Spline ASL!  (Read 9405 times)


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Orc with Chains: Anim8or v.97b Spline ASL!
« on: June 07, 2008, 02:48:38 pm »

Hello hello!  Some of you may remember my old models and desire to make some chains.  Thanks to Steve's latest script, I've tweaked an old model to better fit my original concept artwork and my vision.  Here's the original:

I don't really remember how long it took me to do those old chains with the interlocking links, which were copied, rotated, and pasted individually by hand.  I'm sure it was on the order of hours.  And now, thanks to the new spline script, within an hour I give you:

The original concept had a lot more chains, but it didn't have the skulls, so I had to cut out two of the large loop chains that I had planned on to accommodate his war trophies.  As you can see, the script creates a structure along a designated spline, but it still doesn't look much like a chain.  However, with the new spline tools that Steve has offered in the ASL, I hope someone will be able to create a script that will take a set of links and then concatenate them along a given spline, like so:

If anyone is able to do it, please please let me know :).


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Re: Orc with Chains: Anim8or v.97b Spline ASL!
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2008, 03:05:06 pm »

It shouldn't be that hard to do. all the script would have to do is find the width of the objct, and copy it along the spline.


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Re: Orc with Chains: Anim8or v.97b Spline ASL!
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2008, 07:40:57 pm »

Though you may also need to have something about spacing in the script.  For example, with a spacing of 0, the two objects would repeat directly at the end of the other, but for example, for this chain, they want to be interlocked so you'd have to have a negative spacing.  Also, would it be easy to use two object and rotate each on individually?
Looks awesome though, if this script is possible it sounds great.


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Re: Orc with Chains: Anim8or v.97b Spline ASL!
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2008, 12:45:22 pm »

wow.. nice.. i like see texture of them.. (and rigg)