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Author Topic: Anim8or and Mac????  (Read 32191 times)


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Re: Anim8or and Mac????
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2008, 01:50:40 am »

My biggest suggestion would be to you to think of every thing you would want your PC to do and see how much things would change by going to a mac. Chances are there will be some programs like anim8or that wont work on mac that might be hard to find an alternative for but more and more programs are becoming cross platform and there are usually good alternative programs.
Are you looking for a desktop or laptop? For various reasons I would say to stay away from dell. I am not sure who I would say is the best. I would probably say look at HP or toshiba. Sony vio and Gateway also have some good computers. The biggest thing I would say is make sure you know exactly what you are paying for. If you get a vista computer I would make sure you have at least 2 gigs of ram and a 256mb video card that is compatible with vista and opengl.

One is unless you play an OS for a long time its not fair to judge it takes time to learn a few mins here and there wont make you comfortable with it. (I have no idea though how much experience wit mac you have)
Two though if you really want to learn it its not that bad. Granted I am very good when it comes to computers and pick up on things fast. But I never had experience with mac for more then a few mins here and there and with in a day of owning it I had most of it figured out that I was comfortable with it and with in a week I new it in side and out basically.
We all have different uses for our computers through and that's what also makes the mac vs PC thing even harder. If you mostly play PC only games and use PC only programs then a mac might not be for you. But for some one like me most of what I did I had almost no problem transferring from manly PC to mac. Most programs I used were already Croce platform or had very close alternatives.
One thing I really like about mac is how much nicer it is to work with a lot of stuff on the screen at one time it just flows so much better then PC. I do a lot of web design, and very often I can have 5about 5 files open, ftp, fire fox, and safari (some times gimp and quite a few image files). Now I have run basically the same set up on PC many times and style do when I have to debug code for IE and its just so much nicer when working on my mac.

I also would not get a PC with the intention of running OSX on it technical that could be conceded illegal and part of what you get when going mac is the hardware.
AKA coaster sim. fan on the old boards
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