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Author Topic: OpenGL for rendering?  (Read 5384 times)


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OpenGL for rendering?
« on: April 26, 2008, 02:03:50 am »

Hopefully, this won't sound too stupid ;D.
Here goes: OpenGL is used in games to render in real-time as it is in CG workspaces, I've seen that the frame rate can get up to 800 frames a second when using 2 8800 GTX's (in SLI), I've also seen that in games, OpenGL can be used in games for reflection's, refraction's etc.
So this is my question: Why don't CG Programs (mainly Anim8or) use OpenGL to render animations and stills, (meaning all effects; shadows, fog, the 3 R's etc)?


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Re: OpenGL for rendering?
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2008, 04:26:34 am »

You can select OpenGL as renderer in the "Render->Renderer" Menu of Anim8or.
It will be faster but maybe not very fast, because Anim8or is not as optimized as games (in order to allow modifications of geometries and scene by the user).

In games, the scene is not created to by modify by the user. The camera is placed in areras determined by the game designers. A lot of alogorithms are very fast for real time applications but also have big drawbacks. These drawbacks can be carefully hidden in games because they show us what they want to show and they hide whant they want to hide.
In a game, a lot of parameters can be adjusted in every scene just to hide problems and a lot of effects are fake.

When Steve write Anim8or, he must use robust algorithms which work for every scene. He must also use advanced algorithms to display beautifull pictures. And everyone do not have a GeForce 9800 GX2.


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Re: OpenGL for rendering?
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2008, 02:37:30 am »

Oh, I see, thanks for that. :)