Added the Indomitable Class.
This is an interesting one. Around the time the FASA game was in its heyday, there was a magazine called Stardate that was sort of a supplement to the game in much the same way that Dragon Magazine was to Dungeons & Dragons.
At the back of Stardate was "Jaynz Ships of the Galaxy" in which they would create original ships to be used with the game.
The one that caught my eye was the Indomitable. It was clearly just a kitbash, combining the Excelsior saucer section with an elongated Enterprise engineering section and warp nacelles, but I thought it looked sweet, long and sleek:

Despite the fact that the "flavor text" describes the ship class as having been built around the same time as the Excelsior, I decided to give it a go - and to make a Original Series era version of the ship. I built it according to the blueprints, tossed it into the scene...and it looked Godawful. Even though the blueprints always looked cool to me, in 3D this ship looked bizarre at best.
So, after making a few modifications, most notably making the saucer section much larger than in the blueprint, I finally got it so it looks pretty good to me.
One other note, in the flavr-text blurb the registry numbers of this class were supposed to be 2010-2020. Since I went with an original-series era version of the class, this wouldn't have made sense, so I changed it to 1970.
Anyway, here she is: