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Author Topic: It's been a minute...  (Read 4822 times)


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It's been a minute...
« on: August 24, 2024, 01:28:58 am »

Wow!  Didn't realize how long it's been since I've been here, until I was cleaning out my, "output" folder and found some old previews.
I'm still modeling, but as usual, life tends to get in the way.  Worked on a lot, since I was here last.  Still working on the, "Dreamboat", but it's taken kind of a back-burner as I research interior details.

I've gotten more involved with XPlane 12 flight simulator and have been building a lot of scenery models for that.

Anyway, I just thought I'd pop by and show some of what I've been working on.  I don't work in Anim8or much, anymore, but still use it, like a scratchpad, for quick preliminary designs, and the bulk of my 3D knowledge started here!

First is an early render of a theoretical design for a modern battleship I've been working on, with MHD propulsion, triple reactors, 4 quad railgun turrets, and all sorts of modern naval goodies for reference, it's about 200 feet longer than the Japanese battleship "Yamato".
Next is a to-scale model of a school classroom I did for a friend so they could figure out how to arrange their new classroom.
If you're a fan of anime, I have the God Phoenix from Science Ninja Team Gatchaman.
Then, we have a model I think I may have posted before; my take on the Ligeti Stratos home-built airplane that I plan to eventually make a flying model for XPlane.
Last but not least is a test shot of the Airchime airhorn I modeled for my yacht, to test material and lighting.  I was able to get detailed design drawings from the manufacturer, so it is 100% correct.