hi all, long time no post. in a kinda weird spot in life in general atm, but the good news is i've had the urge to get back into Anim8or lately.
promptly ran into a problem while trying to build a simple pac-man-type shape: i made a sphere, chopped out a quarter of it, and tried to use weight paints to control how much each longitudinal line moves when the bone is rotated. the theory is, all the points circled in cyan (pic 1) should have a weight of 0.2, all the ones circled in green should have a weight of 0.4, etc, up to the ones on the blue edge having a weight of 1.0. nice and simple in theory... except i can't figure out how to make the brush work consistently. pic 2 shows the jagged mess i ended up with in Sequence mode.
i've read up on how the tool works, and while i can see the logic in the soft-edged brush, that behaviour really isn't much help for what i need to do. the applied weight also seems to be affected by how quickly or slowly you move the brush over a given point, such that if you move too slowly then even with a very low weight setting (say 0.1) it will happily stack that value several times over and end up with an actual weight of anything up to 1.0.
am i missing something here? is there a way to ensure that a certain point gets a certain weight, and ONLY that weight, without manually editing the file in a text editor?
thanks in advance