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Author Topic: Texturing the inside of an object  (Read 10252 times)


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Texturing the inside of an object
« on: July 15, 2022, 09:51:09 am »

Hi all,
After a long time of really struggling with texturing objects, I managed to finally come right with UVMapper which creates a beautiful, flattened texture map of any mesh object. Saving the object ensures that it fits the object, (in .obj mode) perfectly.

I am constructing a head at the moment. The 3d map fits perfectly on the outside.
What I wish to do is texture the entire inside faces of the head a uniform dark grey so that when the mouth opens it looks fairly natural behind the teeth and opening.
Up until now, I have been using a "shield" behind the mouth to cut out seeing the back of the head...but it's all additional points, particularly when one is trying to work low poly. I have tried using the "face selection tool's in object mode but find whether I set it on "Front" or "Back" faces, it still highlights some of the outside and inner head.
Is there a way to apply a solid dark grey colour only to the inner head and map the outer head in the usual way? This would save using a "shield".
I thought of perhaps creating a UV map, (precisely the same as the outer one, but solid dark grey) but not sure if it's the right though or how I would apply it separately to the outside? As always, I'd really appreciate any help or advice. I really love this Forum! Thanks.


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Re: Texturing the inside of an object
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2022, 11:16:31 am »

You can use two sided materials to do this. Open the Material Editor dialog for the textured material you're using, check the Two Sided box, then you can make different materials for the front and back sides. For this you just make a simple gray material for the Back.

I've attached a simple example.


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Re: Texturing the inside of an object
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2022, 11:54:13 am »

Thanks so much for this and your time.
I've often seen the 2-sided materials dialogue box but never tried it. It's time!👍