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Author Topic: Walk Sequence Copying Positioning of Figure?  (Read 10672 times)


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Walk Sequence Copying Positioning of Figure?
« on: June 10, 2022, 10:06:22 am »

Hi all,
I have developed a few Figures and made walk Sequences for them. The walk Sequences have come out pretty realistic looking.
To get as close as possible to correct, I import the Figure and Sequence into a Scene, create a Scene Length and starting and finishing points for the walk, according to number of steps.
Using the Y-Axis, as the figure progresses along the straight line, I manually move it up and down to keep the feet landing on the ground and it looks pretty authentic.

However, if I import another figure into the Scene, (even with the same walk sequence, I have to go through all the positioning again.
Is there a way to copy the position points of one Figure and paste them into the sequence of the other figure?
With Edit button Off, I could then simply move the whole path to be next to the other Figure. Can it be done? Can Paths be copied to use with other Figures in a Scene?

I would greatly appreciate any help or advice as I sometimes have 5 characters walking next to each other and it would greatly reduce editing time.
Thanks in advance! 🙏👍


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Re: Walk Sequence Copying Positioning of Figure?
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2022, 12:16:25 pm »

There isn't a good way to do this currently. I'll see if I can add something - maybe new Copy/Paste Path commands or just a way to copy the selected path directly.


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Re: Walk Sequence Copying Positioning of Figure?
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2022, 12:40:17 pm »

Thanks so much Steve!
You're an absolute star! Thank you again for your constant hard work, support, and awesome animation software!

Kevin Gales

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Re: Walk Sequence Copying Positioning of Figure?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2022, 11:22:54 am »

I might be able to code something that does that..However to assign the path of one object to another may be easy, they problem begins when you attach the sequences.

To solve the problem...the figures must have bones of the same order and same name otherwise the movement might get weird, imagine if one object has a bone named "head" on the leg while the other one "head" is attached to the head.You understand the logic?

To wrap this,You need to somehow make sure all objects that will be using the sequence have the same number of bones,which are in the same order (literally every bone),the bone names must be named in the same order too,they must have the same ik chains if you are using some.


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Re: Walk Sequence Copying Positioning of Figure?
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2022, 12:59:15 am »

 Using the same rig for multiple figures would work there.
 Export the rig only, then import again as new figure, then attach the new objects. :)
  Sequences will work on the new figure.