another question for
the project mentioned in my previous thread includes some light bulbs in the scene, and i can see that the pixels occupied by the glass material take several times longer to render in ART compared to those occupied by simpler materials - which is to be expected.
as a side effect, this means that my 12-thread processor can blast through most of the render in a matter of seconds, but then a small number of threads (typically 2 to 6) get stuck working on the glass pixels for a few minutes while the rest of the CPU goes idle. not much of an issue when rendering a single frame, but i need to output more than 5,000 of the darn things, so that'll be a lot of wasted core time

so here's what i was wondering: ART currently seems to divide up the image into blocks of 100x100 pixels (or thereabouts), and i was wondering if we could achieve more efficient CPU utilisation for bulk renders if that figure was changed to, say, 10x10 pixels per block? or maybe make it user-configurable?