I've used - or at least played with Fusion 360. My biggest problem with it is the free licence for people with revenue of less than £10,000 per year (or however it is worded). They have now reduced functionality twice for the free version while I've had it installed. Personally I think any company using it need their heads examined, because they are putting their entire business at the mercy of a license that can be changed at any time. And they keep changing the interface, so the workflow that worked yesterday won't necessarily work today.
I keep meaning to look at FreeCad. But I've seen a video saying that it has a fundamental design flaw in it, and you are better off using a development branch that addresses this problem. I suggest you listen to the video, and read some of the comments:
Under the video there is a link to the RealThunders Branch:
https://bit.ly/3iBzQly I've not looked at it, but I think that it is probably the version to learn with.
I noted to myself that this FreeCAD course looked like it may be worth watching: