I seem to (might) have a problem in building a figure.
Okay so I am biting the bullet and trying to learn how to do figures. My first project is going to be posing (and later animating) a nice figure which I found online and disarticulated (cut into its component parts). Now, since I make (ostensibly) real-world things, I like to work with my grid units set to fixed and 1 and I essentially work to a scale of 1 grid unit = 1 foot. I seldom need to get down to a 1 grid unit = 1 inch scale (.08333) but I frequently set the grid to .333 (4 inches), .25 (3 inches) and .125 (1.5 inches) spacing as needed. I work in the 1 grid space = 1 foot scale until I am ready to export for the guy I mostly build for at which time I have found that a custom scaling of 30.303 yields models that my buddy doesn't need to scale to use in Daz 3D.
When I go into figure mode and start building a skeleton the scale is HUGE - at least from my perspective. My mannikin is just under 1 unit wide at the hips and only 6 units tall and 6 units wide with arms outstretched. When I go into figure mode the root bone is 5 units tall.

Major problem with scale!

Here's my question. Can I a) scale the bones
DOWN to match my figure parts or do I need to b) scale my parts
UP to get me into a better correspondence with the figure mode? I have a sneaking suspicion the answer is going to be option "b" but I'm hoping that you guys will tell me a way that I can change the scale of the bones in figure mode to match the scale of my mannikin's parts.
With that I leave my latest dumb question in the community's capable hands.