Good one(s)

I thought the music went well for the training course, gave it a sort've pleasant feel about the ride. Don't know if it suited the dog fight so well.

How did you do the explosion? The lasers are looking good.
As you're getting more done, the animations, timing and things, must be feeling more and more easier to do, as can be seen with improving results.
Maybe as the ' More stuff in space' continues on, keep in mind the idea of expanding with new ideas, big and small.
Look for opportunities to add some small, extra 'something', where-ever you have the idea to do it.
Those small extra details will keep adding up over time, will become easier and faster to do, and in time will payoff with even better results in the final viewings.
What inspired me to point that out was, when he reaches and touches the screens/controls.
By just using two seperate hand shape sequences could add to the illusion that he is actually 'taping in' some information/commands. Could be a little thing, maybe worth adding.
ie: hand open seq, finger point seq. (do each seperately as a 'pose'. (1 frame sequence).
In scene mode, it doesn't take much extra time to add the open hand pose, (seq), while lifting his arm, then add the pointing pose for finger to touch screen, then open hand again as the arm returns.
Sort've adds that tiny bit of realism/interest, which viewers just might notice. Finger movements can be a nice extra detail
Hand poses are awesome things, and fast to add with a little practice. (i use a 2 frame sequence, rather than 1 frame. Just habit.) Key 'ONLY' the hand bones in sequence mode.
Make a folder of hand poses for each character. THey are an awesome thing to have.