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Author Topic: Extruding on a spline: frustrating issue  (Read 4567 times)


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Extruding on a spline: frustrating issue
« on: March 20, 2021, 09:16:42 pm »


So, I understand that the path in question to be extruded (path #1) should be placed centered at the beginning point of the path which shape is the extrusion (path #2).

Here I placed path #1, an octagon, centered at the first point of path #2, an abstract incomplete right triangle. What are the results when I extruded #1 along #2? I receive an extrusion the shape of #2, alright. But, there's no tubular octagon. It's a flattened plane that runs the shape of the extrusion. (Please  download and consult the file below.)

Is there a different position that I should be placing either or both of these paths?

Please help.



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Re: Extruding on a spline: frustrating issue
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2021, 05:54:37 pm »

You need to build the patch that gets extruded in the X-Y plane. The path that it is extruded along can be in any direction. Here's an example.