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Author Topic: Request for guidance on auto animating a form (waves) as a function of time.  (Read 4634 times)

2020 Hindsight

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I'm new to Anim8or, and this forum. I posted a script "animated_waves.a8s" yesterday.

In my waves script there is a time field to allow moving waves to be animated.

I was wondering if there is a way to automate the animation. What I have read on the forum so far indicates I cannot get the frame number or scene time passed to the script. There was a post on animating a flame, which involved having numbered flame image files which a script read in.

Would a possibility be to write a script that saved a series of wave objects as a sequence of .stl files? Is this idea sound, but a different file format would be better?

Has anything like this been done before that I could crib from? I.e. where a form changes as a function of time or frame number?

Any guidance /  recommendations?


( I posted my wave script here:,6025.0.html )