Thanks for the help, guys. ENSONIQ5 told me exactly what I needed to know. Specifically when he wrote, "even though two dome halves have been joined into one solid they will still be
separate meshes." (emphasis mine, OC) I did what ENSONIQ5 suggested and VOILA (excuse my French

) the normals are now correct. Never realized that I could have a single "solid" consisting of 2 meshes.
johnar, I'm going to have to play around with your suggestions a bit. Not sure I get what you're saying. What I would ultimately like to do is create a transparent SciFy type geodesic dome with visible girders (triangular cross section with a max of 6 points, 9 vertices and 5 polys per "girder. The girders will overlay the vertices of the main dome. The reason I want to work from 1 quarter of the final dome is because I did something similar
MANY years ago and while I have forgotten the details (plus IIRC I was working in a GMAX-based modeler called Flight Simulator Design Studio which did things very differently but which was optimized for modelling airplanes and scenery) but I do recall how much
fun it was putting the girders in place. For these girders I'll start with a triangle and extrude it to make a triangular girder. Alternatively I might try faking it by using a transparency map. One thing about being retired and (now) medically home-bound is that I have
LOTS of time to experiment. When I get it somewhat ready to show, I'll post some scene renders somewhere.
I want to make this stuff usable for a buddy (who lives half a continent away) who does a web comic. My goal is to become able to make props, buildings and vehicles for him to use to compose scenes in Daz Studio. I dropped some coin upgrading my ancient Dell Optiplex 660 into a s
omewhat graphics capable system. The basic microP was okay but I doubled the RAM to 16GB (twice what Dell says it can use but online sources said it would work), added a 3TB HDD (in addition to the stock 1TB and dropped in a 256-bit graphics card with 4GB of VRAM which shows up at #5 for value in the top 10 most popular graphics cards (my buddy has 32GB on his system and a graphics card that needs to be liquid cooled). None of that was cheap.
Eventually I may move on to Hexagon for modelling. Maybe. Maybe not. If I can achieve usable results which look good in Daz Studio using Anim8or I might just stay with it.