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Author Topic: Two "Steven" Questions (although anybody who knows is invited to chime in)  (Read 4490 times)

Old Codger

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1st Question regarding base geometry of new objects: What is the max number of divisions - lat and lon - that the object edit allows? The default seems to be 12 and 8 but what is the MAX for each of those. I'm inclined to think that 32 is the max divisions circumferentially but you did the code so you would know (if not necessarily off the top of your head). When I see unexpected (at least to me) behavior I always ask the person who coded whatever I'm working with/on. (and yes, I know I am asking a very technical question. It's in my nature to do so. Sorry. Direct link between the "question flag" in my head and either my hand - in a classroom - or whatever means I have for asking questions. I once got thrown out of a class - Pascal 101 IMS - for asking "too damned many questions!" You're welcome to ask me about the rest of that little tet a tet)

2nd Question: What does the "tension" setting do in the "smooth object" dialog box and what is the domain of acceptable values? Is it 0.000 to 1? Are negative numbers valid? (I do not expect so by it seldom hurts to ask) Are numbers > 1 valid? What are the effective increments and how do they affect the result?

While I have your undivided, how do I smooth just a portion of a mesh? I'm literally trying to model a vehicle tire. I'd like to be able to do a tiny bit of rounding/smoothing on the tread while leaving the sidewalls alone. Can I do that? I figure I might be able to approximate it with bevelling. Is that the proper approach?

(I know. You're shaking your head and asking how such a "fekking noob" can come up with such questions. Just consider it's all simply part of my charm. ;) )


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Re: Two "Steven" Questions (although anybody who knows is invited to chime in)
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2020, 12:40:01 pm »

The maximum number of divisions fro a sphere is 32 longitude and 16 latitude.

For smooth object, a tension of 0 does a full Catmull Clark subdivsion surface step. Tension of 1 generates the new points normally but keeps the origional points in the same place as before the subdivsion. Other values (including negative ones and those greater than 1) interpolate the position of the origional points proportionally.

For a model like a car it's probably best to just use a normal subdivsion object (Build->ConvertToSubdivided) because you can keep adding details to the base mesh, move points, etc., and see the effect easier.

Old Codger

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Re: Two "Steven" Questions (although anybody who knows is invited to chime in)
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2020, 01:46:40 pm »

Thanks, Steven. Now, I've been messing with smoothing and rounding. I noticed that if I set tension = 1 the only effect I can see (operational word being "see") is the basic geometry doubles along all axes but no smoothing takes place. Without setting edge properties doing a smoothing with tension = 0.000 produces an interesting polyhedron. I am certain that the software is performing exactly as intended. Software ALWAYS does precisely what you tell it to do. It can do nothing else. Problems arise when there is a significant divergence between what you TELL software to do and what you really WANT it to do.

Now, please throw an old man a bone. What I am trying to produce is a box with nicely rounded edges while (hopefully) keeping the side, top and bottom geometry as simple as possible because I also need to model what looks like structural members. Think standard shipping container but without the corrugated sides.

Old Codger

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Re: Two "Steven" Questions (although anybody who knows is invited to chime in)
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2020, 01:55:05 pm »

Guess what, Steven? I searched for that "Catmull Clark subdivsion" thingy and right there in the Wikipedia article list of "Software using Catmull–Clark subdivision surfaces" - along with 3ds Max, AutoCAD, Blender, Carrara, CATIA (Imagine and Shape), Daz Studio, 2.0, Hexagon, Houdini, LightWave 3D, version 9, Makehuman and Maya - is listed Anim8or! You got a mention on Wikipedia. Mega kudos Mr. G! Mega kudos!


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Re: Two "Steven" Questions (although anybody who knows is invited to chime in)
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2020, 05:26:17 am »
