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Author Topic: Objects in different locations saying they're at origin..?!  (Read 4461 times)


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I posted about this a while ago but I'm struggle with it again...
I have an objects whose physical center, bounding box, and 'crosshair' are all located at a location (roughly [-14,-1,0])
YET the coordinates OF the object read [0,0,0]. As far as my understanding goes, the physical location of this object is NOT the origin, and I've never moved the points themselves independent of the object's own origin, so I don't get what's happening.

Strangely, if I group the object with itself (so, just clicking on it and clicking 'g'), it suddenly shows with correct coordinates even though the object's center hasn't changed.

Not sure what's going on here. ???

(not a huge deal of course but I've had the issue before, and now I think it *might* actually be a bug?)


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Re: Objects in different locations saying they're at origin..?!
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2020, 09:52:34 am »

are we talking Object mode or Scene mode here?

i don't know if this is what's caused the issue in your case, but i remember seeing this behaviour in Object mode after using the Join Solids command.  iirc that command converts all of the point coordinates in the new combined solid to be based on the world origin.


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Re: Objects in different locations saying they're at origin..?!
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2020, 10:22:28 am »

The 'crosshair', or pivot, is used for local editing of meshes in the Object editor. This is the coordinate system that is used when when you rotate or scale the mesh in the normal Object/Edit mode.

You can move and rotate the pivot in the Object/Axis mode (I should change to tool tips for this to Object/Pivot to make it clearer).