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Author Topic: How big should it be?  (Read 4660 times)


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How big should it be?
« on: May 27, 2020, 02:17:04 pm »

I've started planning out a new project and I need a stage in a large hall or field.  But I will also have small objects on the stage that I want to zoom in to.

In Anim8or I usually use 1 anim8or unit = 1cm. With this scale my floor object is 3656 x 4350 anim8or units - big.  The smallest object of interest on the stage will be 1cm ish, but I still want to see the detail if I zoom to it.

When I rendered a long shot the image was blank because I forgot to extend z far.

I started to wonder if there are other problems waiting to catch me out if I work with large objects, or if I change it, working with small objects. 

Is it best to use a smaller scale, e.g. 1 anim8or unit = 10cm, or doesn't it really matter? 


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Re: How big should it be?
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2020, 12:26:47 pm »

You might consider using two different scales. For long shots 1 unit = 1 cm can be unwieldy. Try modeling your small objects using 1 cm. Use these models in the close ups. Then copy it to another object and scale it down by 10x or even more for use in long shots, or even model a simpler version of it. You won't be able to see small details of small things in the long shot, and using a simpler stand-in will make your project easier to render, etc.