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Author Topic: minor materials bug  (Read 8144 times)


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minor materials bug
« on: April 15, 2008, 04:28:45 am »

Don't know if this was reported yet, so here goes.

WHat I do is this: for finetuning I copy parts of an object into a new one for further editing. Sometimes it is easier to select the old object completely and just delete what I don't need in the new one.
Since I don't want to overload the materials slider I then delete not used materials (that belonged to the deleted meshes in the object)

in 0.97 beta I often get a message that the material still has 1 reference to it but selecting all faces with that material does not show anything. Deleting that material anyway however results in the remaining meshes either losing all material information or switiching to one of the remaining materials.

Loading the same file in 0.95 I can delete the material without warning and without undesired results.
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Re: minor materials bug
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2008, 01:35:12 pm »

Can you send me a (simple if possible) project that shows this?  And the steps to reporduce it?  It looks like there is a problema and I'd like to fix it but won't be sure I do without an example from you (since I might be seeing something differect, or whatever).


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Re: minor materials bug
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2008, 02:14:18 am »

I see what I can do. So far I haven't been able to reproduce it in the files I am working on but when it happens again I hope I can tell you the exact proceedings.
Louder is better!