Hello guys and girls!
I'm not sure if this is the right part of the forum to post, so feel free to let me know, and I'll move this post.
I'm trying to get used to using anim8ors hotkeys instead of clicking around the UI. I found it hard to remember them all.
I happen to own a backlit keyboard with RGB leds, and i thought this would be a great way to highlight the hotkeys to make them easier to remember.
I made this RGB profile in a software called Aurora. It's really easy to set up, and i've set it to automatically run the profile when i open anim8or.
It's still a wip, but I figured some of you might have use for it as well. The profile is made for a Corsair K70, but should work with other RGB keyboards as well.

Yellow represents tools, and blue represents shapes for the object edit mode.
The numpad displays what view you have selected in green

hoding ctrl highlights the ctrl+ hotkeys

holding shift hightlights the shift+ hotkeys.
Aurora can be found here and I've attached a .zip with the RGB profile for anim8or. if that for some reason doesn't work,
you can download my profile from here.