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Author Topic: Basic Partial IK chains for bipedal characters  (Read 5833 times)


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Basic Partial IK chains for bipedal characters
« on: July 03, 2019, 10:59:51 pm »

 Was asked if there were any Anim8or IK tuts out there, and it seems that only whats in the manual at the moment.

 So maybe this little clip could be somewhat helpfull to someone who is looking at IK from a complete beginners perspective.
 It's pretty basic stuff, and just the way i'm doing it for 2 legged characters at the moment. Seems to work pretty well so far, tho maybe some of the joint limits are just a little restrictive.
 Note, IK joint limits are quite different to the limits i've been using with FK.

 Hi there steve:)  :) (hav misplaced froyd emotogifs, willfindthem tho)
 Anim8or has really evolved lately. Mostly what i've been using, and discovering, has been working well and properly. Couple of minor IK issues hav arose, but will report them in appropriate forums.
 I also hav a list of really cool things going on in anim8or now. Such wonderfull awesome things  :) Will post those also.   :)  :)

 Anyway, hope this short vid may prove to be helpfull to some.  ;)

EDIT: I'm not hearing any sound. will look into it.....
 edit again. Sound is working.

« Last Edit: July 04, 2019, 08:36:01 am by johnar »