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Author Topic: Stupid Non-Newbie Question #3  (Read 8218 times)

Old Codger

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Stupid Non-Newbie Question #3
« on: October 29, 2023, 12:52:05 pm »

I needed a shape like a propane tank or a medicine capsule. I made a sphere which I specified to be lat/long with 24 vertical segments (the max supported) and 15 horizontal (1 less than max) at a given diameter. the advantage with using 15 horizontal segments is that it gives me a sphere without an equator - i.e. it's already part way to the shape I need. Then I converted to mesh and mirrored it. at that point all I had to do was drag one hemisphere to where I needed it and voila propane tank!

Now I want to go back and orient the danged thing so that it is lined up fore-aft on the z axis with the object's axes aligned with the main axes of the program. How do I do that? In effect I want to rotate just the axes without rotating the object itself. Can I do that?


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Re: Stupid Non-Newbie Question #3
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2023, 06:16:40 pm »

I'm a little confused by your request, but I think you're asking how to change the orientation (and/or location) of the object's axes relative to its shape. In Anim8or terms, that means "change the object's pivot point."

This can be done by selecting the "edit pivot point" mode. It has operations similar to those available in the "edit object" mode.

In the screengrab below, I moved the object away from the origin so that the pivot point's axes can seen more easily. They're hard to see when they overlap the "World" axes, as they do when the object is centered. I've also rotated the pivot point somewhat.

The "Edit" menu in the top row of options has a "Pivot..." entry which provides a few edit options, too.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2023, 06:24:02 pm by selden »