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Author Topic: Bone weight rigging suddenly stopped working?  (Read 10049 times)


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Bone weight rigging suddenly stopped working?
« on: April 12, 2008, 10:11:37 pm »

Okay I'm not ready to built a humanoid modle without joints so I decided I'd build individual body parts and connect them to the skeleton.

But figured is should as lest trying practicing skinning so I built a torso and pelvis but grouped them together. I placed two bones in figure mode and weight painted the lower part of the body to the first bone and the upper part to the second bone (Animator has an error message to specifically remind you to start with the parrent bone.) After unlocking the limits I added a couple of extra bones for arms and went back to test the rig only to find that for some reason it refused to work coorectly, I would move the bones and the torso would remain in place while the arms followed their bones.

I even went back and opened a test I'd done earlier to see how weight painting worked and even THAT refused to work. Anyone have any idea what's going on or how I can get it to work again? I'm using v.95.


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Re: Bone weight rigging suddenly stopped working?
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2008, 06:17:08 am »

Could you show a picture of the skeleton (with the objects in place), I think your problem is that you didn't make the correct child bone for the parent, but instead made two different bones from the root


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Re: Bone weight rigging suddenly stopped working?
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2008, 11:21:41 am »

Here's the skeleton, You can see the first bone at the bottom, that dosent own anything. the second bone in the pelvis is what I made the parent of the torso, the third bone in the chest SHOULD influence the part in yellow.

I know that the pelvis bone is the parent of the whole torso because if I delete it the torso goes too, the bone in the chest if deleted will not remove the torso.

Also like I said previous experiments that I'd done worked, but now they wont. It's like there was some setting in Anim8or that no longer exists.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2008, 11:25:04 am by Alpha2 »


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Re: Bone weight rigging suddenly stopped working?
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2008, 02:50:43 pm »

Okay I'm messing with it some more right now and I'm noticing that it DOES work....

But onlin in sequence mode. I could swear it worked in figure mode too though. am I crazy? This seems to build on what I noticed in a previous thread where the figure dosent update as it should in scene mode either. You have to scrub the timelime a frame just to get the figure to snap to the skeleton. I swear this on one of the things that drives me nuts about Anim8or is that there are so many redundancies and things that you think SHOULD work a certain way yet dont.

Am I really the first person bothered by the way this works (or dosent) or is it just not working correctly for me?


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Re: Bone weight rigging suddenly stopped working?
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2008, 08:49:51 pm »

Well, first of all, in figure mode you can move bones but it will NOT affect the object at all, and should not.  Figure mode is about moving around objects and placing bones inside them to give the object a skeleton.  In sequence and scene mode the model should actually be affected by the movements of the bones.  Yes, I do have the trouble that it doesn't update right away, it's pretty simple to get around, but it would be really useful if it would just update in realtime so that I didn't have to guess sometimes.
So my guess is that's it's working just as it does for us all for you.


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Re: Bone weight rigging suddenly stopped working?
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2008, 09:44:21 pm »

The thing that threw me is that when I added the arms and head THEY moved with the bones I made their parents, I could move the arms around after attaching them to the bones and then when I went to test the torso it completely seperated the arms from it and I went WTF?

Hopefully the Sequence and Scene mode bugs will be fixed some day soon.


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Re: Bone weight rigging suddenly stopped working?
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2008, 10:46:40 pm »

That's very strange... I've never had the arms be detached in that way.  They are child bones of the torso right? That sounds very strange.


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Re: Bone weight rigging suddenly stopped working?
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2008, 02:02:37 am »

They where children of the arm bones you see in the screen cap above, which themselves were children of the shoulders and the chest and so on. Same with the neck that I attached the head to.

But again this was in the figure mode, I just have to assume that mesh deformation just wasnt something that the figure mode does, I've since managed to output a working test animation, and the rig works as I expected, it just took stumbling my way through this to get there.
