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Author Topic: Bizaar Path Extrusion results  (Read 5478 times)

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Bizaar Path Extrusion results
« on: July 13, 2018, 09:59:24 am »

Hi guys,
I am fairly new at this but have been honing my skills.  I am a fast learner and have plenty of drafting experience so I completely understand the concepts. Recently, however, I have encountered a bizaar result when attempting to extrude along a path.  I know I have successfully done this before but now I keep getting flat models as if the program ignores the third dimension. I have tried orientation... my path is perpendicular to the shape to be extruded. I have tried the centering concept and still get same results... help?


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Re: Bizaar Path Extrusion results
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2018, 11:36:21 am »

Can you post a picture of the results?

Here's how you should generally do this.

1. In the Front view build the outline that you want to extrude.

2. Make the path that you want to extrude it along. This can be any shape that you like, in 3D, etc.

3. Select the outline and then use the Build->Extrude command. Check the "Path" button and close the dialog.

4. Click on the path.