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Author Topic: Multicore Movie Rendering  (Read 15182 times)


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Multicore Movie Rendering
« on: April 17, 2018, 05:48:01 pm »

I’m working on an experimental multicore rendering script for movies. It splits an an8 scene timeline into segments and then renders the segments in concurrent instances of Anim8or.  The segments can then be rejoined using a program like VirtualDub FilterMod. An avs file is also generated for ingesting the video into programs that support Avisynth, if installed.

Depending on the amount of memory, number of cores and scene complexity, the script can substantially reduce movie rendering times.

If nobody has something similar and there’s an interest, I’ll post it when ready. Obviously I can't guarantee it will work on every variety of system.


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Re: Multicore Movie Rendering
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2018, 03:47:08 am »

Sounds good.

I've often wondered whether Steve could add command line switches to anim8or so that we could launch it from a command line to render a specific scene, e.g. scene abc, frames 100-200, to file xyz.avi with options xxxx.

The aim being to use 'make' or similar to render a project. Could it work?  is the "with (render) options" part the bit that over complicates it?
(Just remembered - last time I thought about this - could the same anim8or project file be shared on a network so that if you have X PCs, each one could be rendering segments (depending on cores) - that is how I overcomplicated it :) )

@dancingshoes: I'm guessing that you solution splits the scene into multiple anim8or project files?



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Re: Multicore Movie Rendering
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2018, 07:50:24 am »

A command line rendering option would resolve the wonkiness in this program.

And for me, having anti aliasing for OpenGL rendering would render this program as unneeded.