I have been making things for a buddy of mine who does a web comic using CGI. Everything I have done has been things that have people in them. So I need a properly scaled and posed mannikin to build the models around. He sent me an .obj export of one of the figures and it helps to get scale and final orientation correct. To get things down to the 1 grid unit = 1' scale I have to scale things he sends me for reference down to .033 of original. That gets a 6' man down to 6 grid units tall. When I import stuff he sends for reference a front view shows the import from the top with the front of the import pointing up. Meh, 1 X rotation and 2 Zs gets me where I want to be either way.
I still need a usable mannikin. I found a free model of an artist's wooden poseable model that I took apart and I reassemble with the pieces in the rotations needed to make a mannikin (maquette?). What I would
LIKE to do is to pose the figure my buddy sent me because then I would have the proportions correct for arms, legs, torso etc. irrespective of pose. Accordingly here's what I
think the workflow would be:
1) Construct a figure/skeleton with joints as needed.
2) Add the complete figure (appropriately scaled and oriented) to the skeleton and adjust the different bones' influence volumes as appropriate.
3) Pose the result as needed.
4) Save the result as a basic mesh posed in the way the figure was posed.
Now, upon reading the manual I pretty much understand the whole skeleton building process (even though I am in no wise proficient at building skeletons) and I found the reference to "skinning". Okay so far (as the guy who fell off the top of the Empire State Bldg on the way down
) but if I cannot do step 4 then no need to go to the trouble to do #s 1-3. So. Can I do step 4? If so, how do I do it?
While I have your attention, I'd love to be able to export an articulated figure so my buddy can pose things with doors open or closed, landing gear up or down as opposed to sending him separate .obj exports with the doors in different positions. Is that possible? And if not I might pout for a moment but I'll get over it.
Anybody who is interested in the modelling I have been doing for this guy is welcome to visit my Deviant Art page where I post screen shots and quick renders.