Thanks johnar and Ensoniq5
I tried again earlier with a large weight brush, influence 1. Starting from the right (my paper is portrait, strips are up/down) I weighted the whole object with the right hand bone, then moved to the next bone and again painted everything to the left. Now I know just to target the points I run the brush up and down vertically with the edge of the brush over the centre of the faces. Because the whole left area is the same colour I'm finding it easier to spot bits that I miss.
I did a quick test by setting each bone to 5 degrees (in a test scene) and the result was a smooth curved sheet

I'm using 1.00b 1296
In figure mode when I'm setting the bones free or locked, if I set an axis to locked it is not remembered if I OK and then reopen the dialog. Is that a bug?
If I check locked before unchecking free, when I uncheck free, the check is cleared from locked as well. Is that a bug?
Are free and locked mutually exclusive options or is there some special meaning if they are both unchecked or both checked?
I will continue working on it this evening. I'll post my test results.