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Author Topic: Copy past issue. World-object coordinates issue  (Read 86591 times)


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Re: Copy past issue. World-object coordinates issue
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2017, 07:25:27 am »

What do you think about changing PFE to VFE in the dialog to be consistent with the hot-keys.
I'd suggest changing this to "Extend selection when switching to points, edges or faces" or something like that. "PFE" and "VFE" are unclear and sound like chemical initialisms.


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Re: Copy past issue. World-object coordinates issue
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2017, 12:28:40 pm »

What do you think about changing PFE to VFE in the dialog to be consistent with the hot-keys.
I'd suggest changing this to "Extend selection when switching to points, edges or faces" or something like that. "PFE" and "VFE" are unclear and sound like chemical initialisms.

Well, right on the top of it there's the definition of PFE ( or VFE ) - " Points, Edges, Faces " so should not be that unclear. Though, " Extend selection when switching to points, edges, faces" sounds good , maybe even " Extend selection when switching between points, edges, faces ". But don't know if this will fit in the dialog window. May look kind of odd if there'll be a whole paragraph to click on . : )

Well, couldn't imagine that a lot would prefere to stay with the old color scheme, so then there's a good reason to leave it as is.


1) --- What nemyax said :)

2) RMB toggles the V E F enable that you click on. If only one is enabled and you toggle it off then there is nothing left enabled (which is kind of useless, or so I thought) so Anim8or enables V.

3) This is a bug - the box should be checked accordingly. The setting is currently saved in the registry so that when you restart Anim8or it is remembered. However the dialog sets the value of "Smooth Points" instead of "Extend PFE Selection", so when you open the dialog and exit with "OK" the setting is cleared and "Smooth Points" gets the old value, unless you have re-checked everything. I'll fix this.

3A) What do you think about changing PFE to VFE in the dialog to be consistent with the hot-keys.

4) I preserved the old color scheme because some people like it better.

1) Actually, originaly what is the exact name of points ( vertices - Trevor ;) ) in 3D CG ? If it's "vertex" and not " point", then it should be called as so everywhere inside Anim8or, including all commands all settings e.t.c. . And then a hotkey will be given relative to a correct name, and not the opposite I think. After all, we are not playing Quake, right? :D

2) I guess you wrote some lines of code to jump to "points" ( "vertices") when clicking on the only enabled item ( "edges" or "faces" ) with the RMB, to prevent nothing left enabled, right ? So, whouldn't it be better to " jump " to the currently enabled ( it will deselect it and instide of selecting " points",it will enable the " previously enabled item" ) . In other words to stay on the same and not jumping always to points.  ::)


3A)As i wrote above, maybe it should be given the name it  ( everything actualy ) has in general in CG and hot-keys will be applied relatively , not the opposite ? ???

4) Yeap, the classic is classic 8). Though I love the new one .


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Re: Copy past issue. World-object coordinates issue
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2017, 02:31:28 pm »

Well, right on the top of it there's the definition of PFE ( or VFE ) - " Points, Edges, Faces " so should not be that unclear. Though, " Extend selection when switching to points, edges, faces" sounds good , maybe even " Extend selection when switching between points, edges, faces ". But don't know if this will fit in the dialog window. May look kind of odd if there'll be a whole paragraph to click on . : )

Yeah, shorter would be better. How about "Points, edges, faces" as the title and "Extend selection when switching modes" as the label?
On a general note, the UI would look a lot better if it used sentence case everywhere that isn't a menu item or window title. Because at this time, Everything in Anim8or Looks Like the Name of a Movie.

Actually, originaly what is the exact name of points ( vertices - Trevor ;) ) in 3D CG ? If it's "vertex" and not " point", then it should be called as so everywhere inside Anim8or, including all commands all settings e.t.c.
Well, they're usually vertices in the context of polygonal geometry. Graphics APIs also call them vertices. Geometry types other than polygons have points, CVs (in NURBS) or CPs (in Hash splines). But the Anim8or UI traditionally refers to them as points, nothing wrong with that. Come to think of it, a vertex/point in a modelling program is a broader concept than an OpenGL vertex.

After all, we are not playing Quake, right? :D
No, but motor skills matter here also.


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Re: Copy past issue. World-object coordinates issue
« Reply #18 on: August 26, 2017, 09:38:31 am »

3A) What do you think about changing PFE to VFE in the dialog to be consistent with the hot-keys.
it should be VEF rather than VFE, but yes.  the term 'vertex' is more precise and therefore preferable, for my money at least.


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Re: Copy past issue. World-object coordinates issue
« Reply #19 on: August 27, 2017, 03:38:58 pm »

I just posted an update v1.00b dated August 27, 2017 with the following fixes:

New commands:

 Build->SplitSolids in main Object editor that separates unconnected parts of a mesh or subdivision surface

Bug Fixes:

Fix initialization bug in ConfigureGUI dialog for "Extend PEF Selection" check box.
#100-013 - Object/Move command uses World coordinates when Object coordinates are selected.
           Note: Holding the Shift key moves 1/4 as far.
           Note: Holding the Ctrl key enables drag-select LMB and drag-deselect MMB (existing behavior).


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Re: Copy past issue. World-object coordinates issue
« Reply #20 on: August 28, 2017, 08:57:19 am »

#100-013 - Object/Move command uses World coordinates when Object coordinates are selected.
Can you make object coordinate system transforms work for points as well as objects?
Also, pivot rotation in screen coordinates doesn't work in perspective mode, even though pivot moving does. Do you test in perspective?
« Last Edit: August 28, 2017, 09:17:25 am by nemyax »


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Re: Copy past issue. World-object coordinates issue
« Reply #21 on: August 28, 2017, 11:52:36 am »

nemyax: I think Point Move works properly for all coordinate systems, including Object. But Point Rotate looks like it's using World coordinates when it should be using Object.

Pivot rotations has multiple issues, not just in perspective views...


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Re: Copy past issue. World-object coordinates issue
« Reply #22 on: August 28, 2017, 11:59:55 am »

Point Move works properly for all coordinate systems, including Object. But Point Rotate looks like it's using World coordinates when it should be using Object.
Yes, that's true. And non-uniform scale behaves like rotate.
By the way, why do you disallow scaling to zero and negative scaling? They come in very handy sometimes.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2017, 12:07:24 pm by nemyax »


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Re: Copy past issue. World-object coordinates issue
« Reply #23 on: August 28, 2017, 12:26:16 pm »

Steve, cool !!! For me, Anim8or was followed by those coordinate issues and now when they're almost fixed that Version 1 tag is fair enough.  8)

#100-013 - Object/Move command uses World coordinates when Object coordinates are selected.
Can you make object coordinate system transforms work for points as well as objects?
Also, pivot rotation in screen coordinates doesn't work in perspective mode, even though pivot moving does. Do you test in perspective?
nemyax: I think Point Move works properly for all coordinate systems, including Object. But Point Rotate looks like it's using World coordinates when it should be using Object.

Pivot rotations has multiple issues, not just in perspective views...

I checked it and yes, point manipulations seem to work properly according to object pivot in all coordinate systems.

As for the pivot rotation I checked it too. It has the same exact issues in all views including the user defined ( global thing ).
Exactly in Object/Axis mode : For the move command the pivot in World and Object coordinates behaves the same, has the old behavior ( in object coords pivot moves as in the world coords, with y and z axes in world coords being reversed, screen coords are fine ). As for the rotation command the opposite happens, in object coords the pivot's rotation works properly, relies on object pivot ( see itself ), while in world coords it relies again on object pivot and not on world axis. In screen coords the rotation is totally strange, something in-between values of axes, but stiil seems to relie on object pivot orientation  ???

Point Move works properly for all coordinate systems, including Object. But Point Rotate looks like it's using World coordinates when it should be using Object.
Yes, that's true. And non-uniform scale behaves like rotate.
By the way, why do you disallow scaling to zero and negative scaling? They come in very handy sometimes.

Checked that too, but seems to have normal behavior also  ::) Though, in Object/Edit the result is visible only when you finish your mouse dragging and not during the mouse movement, as happens ( and which is the correct way ) with scaling ( both uniform and non- ) of points in Point Edit mode.

Sorry for that message blending :P , just don't want to create kind of a chat here, so I just update this reply of mine :
Sorry, I meant non-uniform scale uses the wrong coordinate system (like rotate does), not that it rotates things.

It seems to behave according to screen coords only, in all coordinating systems.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2017, 12:44:07 pm by Gyperboloid »


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Re: Copy past issue. World-object coordinates issue
« Reply #24 on: August 28, 2017, 12:35:54 pm »

Sorry, I meant non-uniform scale uses the wrong coordinate system (like rotate does), not that it rotates things.


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Re: Copy past issue. World-object coordinates issue
« Reply #25 on: September 02, 2017, 03:56:17 pm »

Here's a build with fixes for many of the issues with Screen, Object and World coordinate systems' Move and Rotate functions:

Give it a try and let me know if these Object Editor tools now work properly. Note: This build does not address related issues with Scaling, or anything in the other editors. That'll come later.

--- Move/Rotate Object/Edit, Object/Point and Object/Pivot all now work correctly ---
- Fix problems with Point Rotate in Object Coordinates.
- Fix problems with Move Pivot in Object and World coordinates.
- Fix problems with Rotate Pivot in Screen and World coordinates.
- Change: use mouse RMB in the X direction to move in the Z axis (was the Y direction) to be consistent with rotations.
- Global changes to Rotations:
  * Screen coordinates: X/Y axes act as if you are physically rolling the object - X dir rotates in screen Y axis,
    Y dir rotates in X axis.
  * Object and World coordinates: +X/Y/Z movement rotates around the X/Y/Z axis in the counter-clockwise direction
    when looking in the -X/-Y/-Z direction. This is how rotations are generally described.


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Re: Copy past issue. World-object coordinates issue
« Reply #26 on: September 04, 2017, 07:00:53 am »

Rotation works properly in the latest build. Now, if only there were a way to specify a custom rotation and scaling pivot in point edit mode =)


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Re: Copy past issue. World-object coordinates issue
« Reply #27 on: September 04, 2017, 12:56:36 pm »

Ahhhh, so there is a command Edit->Rotate->RotateCustom in Point Edit mode -- but it never has done anything! What were they thinking when they wrote this thing?

Looks like something that should I should work on next :)
« Last Edit: September 05, 2017, 05:20:22 pm by Steve »


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Re: Copy past issue. World-object coordinates issue
« Reply #28 on: September 04, 2017, 02:26:46 pm »

What were they thinking when they wrote this thing?
They were probably thinking, "The scope and complexity of this thing are BLOODY HUGE! Will I ever get to fix the point rotations, I wonder?" =)


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Re: Copy past issue. World-object coordinates issue
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2017, 12:54:39 pm »

Nice Steve !!! In the last release everything works just great !!! Coordinate systems now behave as they supposed to !
 What a long way that was! :D Since you mentioned it, couple of things I report again, if allowed. :)

Ahhhh, so there is a command Edit->Rotate->RotateCustom in Point Edit mode -- but it never has done anything! What were they thinking when they wrote this thing?

Looks like something that should I should work on next :)

It works, the rotation. But maybe you could disable the other commands in Edit menu in Point Editor which are not available ( Scale, Locate ), like the Pivot ?

2) In the same menu ( Edit  -- > Select ) in Point Editor , I don't remember from which version, the " Select Face Edges " command was removed, though it's still usable in Point Editor through its hotkey "t". Can you restore it ?

3) You added the " Split Solids " command in Build menu in Object Editor but in Point Editor the " l " shortcut for the split solids command still works, when nothing selected joined meshes split. Since you added the command in Object Editor in Build menu, maybe it's a good idea to remove, if possible, that possibility ( split solids ) from Point Editor. Since originaly the " l " hotkey stands for the " loop cut " command, if nothing is selected when hitting " loop cut " ( "l" hotkey ) nothing should happen, so no solids would split by mistake.

Later I'll add some other things  ;D
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