It occurred to me that, at least in Unity, there is a fairly well supported "Unity Assets Store." If I am totally honest with myself, I feel like the most fun I have in 3D modeling is designing characters and dressing them up cute. It's not nearly as fun to, for example, make terrain or back-drops. So I started a document for plans on having a product line for Unity Assets that anyone could use for their own projects.
Every character would come with a standard set of animations:
Air Attack
And usually at least 3-6 animations that are unique to them based on their design or equipment (i.e. a sword user would have slash animations)
Right now the idea is still in brainstorming phases, but I was thinking of having product lines mainly for public domain characters like Little Red Riding Hood, Lady Justice and the Grim Reaper. Also maybe down the line for gods and goddesses from various myths, like Artimis, Neith, Chalchiuhtlicue, and Kaggen.
Of course, having a more generic line is something I could do at some point too, like: Ninja, Mermaid, and Knight.
Of course, this all still comes as second to my role as a video game developer, and will serve as something to do as a nice side hobby.
How does this sound to y'all?