I have three objects, Sphere 1, Sphere 2, and Sphere 3.
Sphere 1: {color: 0xff0000, x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, diameter: 10}
Sphere 2: {color: 0x00ff00, x: 0, y: 15, z: 0, diameter: 10}
Sphere 3: {color: 0x0000ff, x: 0, y: 44, z: 0, diameter: 10}
I want to make a proof of concept animation with 15 frames where
on frames [0, 4], Sphere 1 is showing.
on frames [5, 9], Sphere 2 is showing.
on frames [10, 14], Sphere 3 is showing.
on frames [15, 19], Sphere 2 is showing.
I want no tweening in between.
Problem 1: when I build>add object into scene mode at frame 5, it also appears on all prior frames, something I do not want.
Problem 2: when I edit>hide a selected object, it disappears on prior frames, something I do not want.
Problem 3: when I edit>delete elements a selected object, is is deleted on prior frames, something I do not want.
Problem 4: when I build>add object, then move an existing object to behind the camera, it tweens to move between the two points, something I do not want(I want it to disappear discretely, not move away at linear velocity).
How can I get this done?
Thanks ahead of time.
PS: I found one way to do it by having every object on every frame, but modifying the visibility on each critical frame:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/314681059067559939/316975837251633154/animcolorball.mp4Is this the only way to accomplish this? because I imagine having 1000+ objects(number of morphing objects * average number of discrete morph steps of each object, eg 3 balls, 10 variations of each ball means 30 objects in each frame) in each frame be problematic.