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Author Topic: how to trackball rotate bones in sequence editor?  (Read 16536 times)


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how to trackball rotate bones in sequence editor?
« on: February 22, 2017, 10:20:44 am »

I have no problem doing this in figure mode, but idk why but it doesn't allow me to fully rotate the bones to my desired position. I did all the steps in both modes like turning on the rotation limits to the right settings and such. I can rotate it in side view but not in the direction for front view. Any help is proudly approbationallized. XD


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Re: how to trackball rotate bones in sequence editor?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2017, 02:52:28 pm »

When you rotate a bone in the Figure editor you are changing the bone's angle relative to it's parent bone. There aren't any restrictions on rotations when you do this. In the Sequence editor, unless there are no limits on any angles, you wit hit a "stop" when any you reach the limit for any one of the axes. This can be confusing for two reasons:

1) If the animation key is OFF, then you are rotation the joint in all frames, not just the on that you see on the screen. When any one of them hits a limit the rotation stops. If the animation key is ON then you are only changing the current frame (and adding a key if one doesn't exist).

2) If you rotate in Screen or World coordinates, then you are very likely changing multiple angles in the joint because the axes do not usually align with the screen. If you use Object coordinates this is less of a problem.

Note: this issue is complicated further by the fact that Anim8or rotates joints using quaternions, but the joint limits are in Euler angles (X, Y, Z). The conversion from Euler to quaternion is rather non intuitive.