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Author Topic: Wrong texture mapping after point edits  (Read 19689 times)


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Wrong texture mapping after point edits
« on: September 06, 2016, 07:53:47 pm »

Problem: surface texture image mapped incorrectly after "point edit inset" followed by "point edit extrude faces"

My continuing saga of trying to model an open book:

I'm trying to model the inside of a book's cover, with the endpapers seeming to be overlaying the edges of the leather covering that's wrapped around the coverboards. I decided that one way to do this would be slightly depress the interior area of the inside of the cover mesh, so that it'd have a raised area next to the edges where the leather is, and a slightly depressed area where the endpapers would be directly against the coverboards. From past experience, I knew I could do this using "point edit inset" followed by "point edit extrude faces".

To accomplish this, I used the following steps:

1. merged the facets on the right and left interior sides of the cover model into one large facet each.
2. applied the surface texture images to those facets
3. adjusted the mappings of those images slightly using the UV editor.
(Those three steps worked fine.)

Then, watching closely at the top edge of the model:
4. used "point edit inset" to generate a slightly smaller region in the interior of the front endpaper region.
5. used "point edit extrude faces" to slightly depress that smaller region.

I then changed the view to look at the front of the model and discovered that it no longer showed the image of the front endpaper. Instead it was a uniform purple.

Using "drag select" to select the appropriate facets of the model and then "apply" of the appropriate material did nothing visible. FWIW, when I defined a new material with no associated diffuse surface texture image, it did recolor those facets to the new uniform color, but nothing I do can make it draw a surface texture image on those facets.

This zip file contains a model showing this problem. As best I can tell, this time I've included all of the necessary surface texture images.

Thanks for whatever help you can provide, but I suspect this is a bug in Anim8or. I'm using build 1247.



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Re: Wrong texture mapping after point edits
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2016, 12:24:30 am »

What can you expect after re-editing something you've UV mapped? :o You'll have to UV map it again!


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Re: Wrong texture mapping after point edits
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2016, 04:45:51 am »

Sometimes one must re-edit *after* the uv map has been applied in order that the surface mapping be properly distorted along with the changed shape of the mesh.


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Re: Wrong texture mapping after point edits
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2016, 08:50:00 am »

Use the topo knife instead. It will add details and handle the UVs correctly.


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Re: Wrong texture mapping after point edits
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2016, 02:45:24 pm »

Sometimes one must re-edit *after* the uv map has been applied in order that the surface mapping be properly distorted along with the changed shape of the mesh.

Yes, you're quite right! I had totally forgot about that! (Like when you have to UV map a pipe before bending it!) :-)