steve, and
An8 users 
Got a bit carried away with this post, but will take a gamble and post it.
I'm trying to work out the easiest, most fluent method(s) for character aniamation using the tools available in Anim8or.
IK and a few other upgrades have thrown some brilliant options into the mix.
It seems a commonly accepted point,(?), that when animating with
IK, the joints in the
IK chain may need to be 'tweaked' using the
FK system.
Ok, so that's fine. Therefore, a fluent method of character animation would require being easilly able to flick back and forth between
IK and FK. Fastest way, of course, is
shortcut keys.
Cool. So, we can jump back and forth quickly and easily, thats half the problem solved. (from a users point of view anyway).
The next part of keeping fluidity in the animation process would be to be able to continue animating as quickly as possible once you have changed into either
IK or
FK As it is now, going from
FK to IK is fast and straight forward. Click into
IK, the effectors are showing, the green key is on, and you can continue animating 'step unbroken'.
IK and away.

IK to FK is not so 'clean'.
If an
IK chain is selected when you change to
FK, the trackballs of all relevant bones, (selected), are showing. In reality, trying to use the trackball when its overlapped with other trackballs, is extremely difficult, if not impossible.
I also notice the z axis often wont rotate all the way to its limit. (?) (using trackball)
The trackballs are a superb addition, but, imho, there are times when you just can't beat the LMB, MMB, RMB on the bone itself, for moving that bone exactly how you want it.
(some situations the trackball is better, some situations not)
Progress in finding 'the easiest and most fluent method(s)' for animating in Anim8or has just recently taken a huge step, with the introduction of
IK, and the key and shortcut keys available.
I'm a fan of double keying for complete stillness. Its quicker than needing to set a step key at the beginning of a movement, and brings movement to a complete stop when required.
ie: an
IK limb is selected by
clicking on the effector. The bones are selected.
Press 'k', and they're keyed.
Press 'Ctrl-C' copies the keys.
Arrow moves 1 frame fwd.
Press 'Ctrl-V' keys are pasted. (
just made a double key) Move fwd a few frames, rotate selected IK Chain etc ...
At some point along the timetrack, it can become difficult keeping up with the keys on multiple limbs. '
Key all bones' is a good fix for that. And double keying all bones is a fresh clean ''re-starting' point.
So, i guess what this post is getting at, in my quest for a fluid method of animating, is actually a re-quest:
Quick key(s) for jumping between IK-FK-IK-etc. Quick key(s) for turning trackballs on and off and a
Quick key for key all bones. You could just select the entire figure and press k, but that would also key morphs, which wouldn't always be what you want to do. So a seperate quick key for key all bones would be a usefull/(crucial) option.
Thanks for reading.

EDIT: Have posted an possible alternative to 'Quick key(s) for turning trackballs on and off'
(In trackball thread)