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Author Topic: Various scene/controller related issues  (Read 12953 times)


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Various scene/controller related issues
« on: January 16, 2016, 12:14:08 pm »

Whenever I start a project, I always come across a bunch of bugs and forget to report them, especially when related to scripting. Here are some issues I've come across today:

  • In the scene editor, when a controller is made and set to be an expression, there becomes no way to edit the controller afterwards. Double-clicking it on the timeline has no effect.
  • GetAttributeFloat/etc can only use constant strings for their parameters. Being able to use string variables would allow for more flexibility, such as allowing easier user-defined configuration of shared controller scripts.
  • There are no Int controllers, but instead just a Boolean controller. There is no GetAttributeBoolean function for controllers. GetAttributeInt works on boolean controllers. This is just messy.
  • No way to set/get scene attributes via script that I know of
  • If a controller script defines a texture filename using SetFileName(), when rendering as a movie it only looks for the texture file in the texture directory that's set in the configuration, rather than locally. If it's not found, it seems to just use what's in memory. Or something like that, it's bizarre.
  • Speaking of, Anim8or seems to infinitely loop the controller script if SetFileName() is used and the Anim8or project was just opened and the user tries opening the element containing the controller on the timeline. However if the user instead disables the SetFileName() function first, then opens the element on the timeline, then enables the function, it doesn't infinitely loop thereafter. This applies only to the first time the element is clicked on (expanded or double-clicked on the timeline).
  • The in-built script viewer is horribly primitive. You can't even ctrl+a to select all the text and there's only one level of undo, and it doesn't remember window resizing. It's very unpleasurable trying to do even moderate scripting using it.


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Re: Various scene/controller related issues
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2016, 08:35:41 pm »

In the scene editor, when a controller is made and set to be an expression, there becomes no way to edit the controller afterwards. Double-clicking it on the timeline has no effect.
Fixed for next build: bug #098-082 - Double clicking on a controller name in the Track Window doesn't show the Key Value Editor when the controller is a script.

GetAttributeFloat/etc can only use constant strings for their parameters. Being able to use string variables would allow for more flexibility, such as allowing easier user-defined configuration of shared controller scripts.
Anim8or uses the current frame's value for controllers when they are referenced by other Elements. Controller scripts need to be evaluated in the proper order or the results will be unpredictable.  To achieve this, Anim8or first builds a dependency tree between all of the inter-element references.  Then the scripts are evaluated in a depth-first order.  If the Element name were a variable it wouldn't be possible to build such a tree.

No way to set/get scene attributes via script that I know of
I'll add some methods for this.