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Author Topic: Precise topo map  (Read 5948 times)


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Precise topo map
« on: January 28, 2016, 07:18:03 pm »

I wanted to share this because it was useful and took some development.  You can do as I describe here for precision or use your spray can in your paint program to produce a quick topo map but it is much less precise..

I made the topographicalgrayscale.JPG WITHOUT the BLENDING to start out with. (I lost that version).... It was more impressive BUT the blended version is what is important.   Making the topo map with solid shapes layer by layer  will give a precise version of what you have in mind.  Use a paint program to pixelate your final version then take another pass using fragment blur to create a JPG image that can then be used in 3dPAYSAGE to create your custom topo map.  (leave roads on a seperate layer so they don't blend) The gray scale image here can help you determine the levels of gray in 3dpaysage.

I would have provided the final 3d model but it is just as easy as uploading this JPG I provided to 3dpaysage and set the perimeters to 200 by 200! 8)
« Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 07:20:36 pm by Hypure »