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Author Topic: Large OBJ mesh (4 million vertices) crashes Anim8or build 1185  (Read 12691 times)


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Large OBJ mesh (4 million vertices) crashes Anim8or build 1185
« on: September 20, 2015, 12:22:17 pm »

What's the maximum size of an OBJ mesh that Anim8or can import?

I tried to import a 724MB OBJ mesh (2Kx2K subdivisions: 4 million vertices) which had been created and exported by Blender, but Anim8or crashed.  :(

A smaller version of the mesh (173MB, 1Kx1K subdivisions: 1 million vertices) imported with no problems.

I'm trying to create a 3D map for use in Celestia. Here are low resolution screengrabs of the 1K mesh with a couple of different surface textures.


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Re: Large OBJ mesh (4 million vertices) crashes Anim8or build 1185
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2015, 03:25:16 am »

Nice picture!  There is no limit per se to the number of vertices supported in an OBJ mesh. But Anim8or will eventually run into memory limits. I suspect that is what is happening with your 2k by 2k mesh.

Note that Anim8or is still a 32 bit app. I'm slowly fixing all the 64 bit problems but that's not my priority at this time. After I get the next release done I'll make a more serious stab at a 64 bit version.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2015, 01:19:00 pm by Steve »


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Re: Large OBJ mesh (4 million vertices) crashes Anim8or build 1185
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2015, 08:50:10 am »



I'm pretty sure it's the 32bit limitation that's biting me.
I'l just have to try to find a workaround -- like using separate meshes, perhaps.

FWIW, the model is of the Valles Caldera supervolcano in New Mexico. It's not as big as Yellowstone, but it would still ruin someone's day if it decided to blow its top.