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Author Topic: Looking for a 3D artist and animator for Indie game studio - potentially paid  (Read 6353 times)


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Hi everyone,

I'm not sure if this is against forum rules or not, but I am in need of a 3D artist and animator for my studio.

We're currently in the process of building a demo to present to a very interested publisher, we also have a couple of other publishers lined up if this one fails.
I am looking for an artist and animator to join my team and help build a truly incredible game.
I need someone with the ability to create high poly, realistic models and animate, or a separate artist and animator.
We have approximately one month and a fair amount of work needs to be done.
Currently, I can't pay anyone but if we are funded then you will most certainly be paid for your work plus royalties.

The game itself is really interesting, dark and based upon similar concepts and themes as American Horror Story. The game has an incredible storyline and is first person, puzzle based.
It offers the opportunity to build some incredible pieces and increase skill and portfolio to a substantial level.
I am not looking for someone with high level of experience but someone who can create good assets and animations that is looking to increase their skill. Every member of the team is fairly new to their role which is how I wanted it, I want the team to grow together and continue to push themselves.

If you're interested, I'd love to tell you more about the game!
Email me at

Really looking forward to hearing from you.



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