Something could be inside it? ...Like what?
Actually, it looks very cool 'as it is', but, since you asked.

Could be......liquid......bubbles.......goldfish....internal fire.......spider(s)...dirt and small tree.....vines with leaves/(thorns?).....smaller cross hanging on chain....little man sitting in the bottom, looking 'trapped in religon', or maybe 'looking for answers'....snow/rain.... a head in the top, hands(upturned?) in the sides and legs in the bottom.....doves(peace)....lava lamp .... light air and wick/flame(s)....hour glass
.....But then, as i said b4, it's awesome as it is, it doesn't actually '
need' anything.
Can it be 'expanded upon?,beautified?, redirected?, embellished somehow?'......hmmmmm...... if you can 'see' something , then maybe...
warning It has already reached the point of being an 'Excellent, finished image', and attempts at anything i've mentioned, could easily become a frustrating waste of